Agenda item


-           From Members of the Public

-           From Councillors


The following questions were asked by Councillors and details of who responded are included below. The full details of questions and the responses can be viewed on the webcast of the meeting on the Council’s website at:


We maintain a comprehensive library of webcast Council meetings. The webcast for this meeting will remain on the live website until 13th November 2020, and after this date can be requested from the Democratic Support Team by contacting (0116) 454 6350 or at


For your convenience, links to each question and response are embedded after each question.


1.         Councillor Broadwell:-


“Leicester City Council has sought to be the "best landlord in the city" and so I wish to ask what we are proposing in order to make this a reality?”


            Assistant City Mayor Councillor Cutkelvin replied.


            Link to webcast of question 1


2.         Councillor Broadwell:-


“While I applaud the expansion of the City's cycle network, there are a number of hazardous features that require attention: painted cycle lanes make cyclists statistically less safe, and motorcycle barriers cause damage to bicycles and impede accessible cycling also.  What are the plans to mitigate these hazards, and what is the plan for improving cycle infrastructure across the city more generally?”


Deputy City Mayor Adam Clarke replied.


Link to webcast of question 2


3.         Councillor Broadwell:-


“It has come to my attention that a number of commercial properties in the City, both in the centre and in the outer estates - are lying empty and unused, partly due to property speculation. What steps have we as a Council taken to bring vacant property back into use?”


City Mayor replied.


Link to webcast of question 3


4.         Councillor Broadwell:-


“Many constituents are complaining of dismissive and unhelpful behaviour towards them by Council employees, and many feel ignored by us.  What can be done to improve our standing with the public in this matter?”


City Mayor replied.


Link to webcast of question 4


5.         Councillor Ali:-


“Does Leicester City Council have a zero-tolerance policy on bullying and discrimination within the Council and when employees and officers raise concerns with councillors, how can we deal with these grievances and raise complaints of employee misconduct?”


City Mayor replied.


Link to webcast of question 5


6.         Councillor Cole:-


“Given the recent revelations in Manchester that children in care in the City who it was known were being sexually exploited were abandon by the Manchester Police which therefore follows that the Council would have been aware of the exploitations, can the cabinet lead reassure members that Leicester is not aware of any such sexual exploitation of children in care here in the City and what mechanisms are in place to alert the Council if such activities where taking place in our City?”


Deputy City Mayor Councillor Russell replied.


Link to webcast of question 6


7.         Councillor Cole:-


“Given that Leicester City Council is in the process of replacing two senior members of staff, can the City Mayor say what process is in place to ensure we get the best candidate and that members from the BME community are encouraged to apply and once they have done so are not disadvantaged by the selection process at any stage?”


City Mayor replied.


Link to webcast of question 7


8.         Councillor Cole:-


“To many residents in the Western Park area of the Western Ward, Hinckley Road and Glenfield Road are amongst the most dangerous roads in the City, and recent incidents along these roads support this view. What reassurance can the City Mayor give to the residents that something is being done to make these roads safer?”


Assistant City Mayor Councillor Master replied.


Link to webcast of question 8


9.         Councillor Nangreave:-


“The Council has two new areas of development since May 2019, Poverty and Climate Change.  While these areas have had an executive member attached to them, they have not had a scrutiny commission attached.  Can the City Mayor tell me why and when this will be rectified?”


City Mayor replied.


Link to webcast of question 9


10.       Councillor Nangreave:-


“The congestion is virtually continuous on Upperton Road and Narborough Road where these roads are in Westcotes Ward. This traffic is not generated in Westcotes but is an ever-present risk to the residents’ health and well-being and to their pleasant enjoyment of the area.  My supposition is that a modern clean frequent wide- ranging bus service and bans on cars/parking, of some sort, as are being put in place in other authorities, would go a long way to solving this problem. Is there a working party studying this, if not, will the City Mayor sanction one? I would want Councillor Broadwell on the working party”


City Mayor replied.


Link to webcast of question 10


11.       Councillor Nangreave:-


“The budget report contains a long section on virement, I think this removes responsibly from the Council for administration and knowledge of changes to and of the budget through the year. I don't think the Council meets so infrequently that to bring things back to Council would hold up the work. I think the Overview Scrutiny Committee should report back to Council about reports of changes to the budget”


City Mayor replied.


Link to webcast of question 11


12.       Councillor Batool:-


“What approaches are we using to improve the mental health of children and young people to reduce preventable mental illness and improve their wellbeing?”


Assistant City Mayor Councillor Cutkelvin replied.


Link to webcast of question 12


13.       Councillor Batool:-


“With reference to the BBC report published in December 2019 about vulnerable children living in care moved miles away from their homes was really disturbing, my question is what is the situation locally, how many children/young people in care moved away from Leicester?”


Deputy City Mayor Councillor Russell replied.


Link to webcast of question 13


14.       Councillor Kitterick:-


"What progress has been made on Leicester City Council taking over the running of the residential properties on Hospital Close currently owned by the NHS?"


Assistant City Mayor Councillor Cutkelvin replied.


Link to webcast of question 14


15.       Councillor Waddington:-


“How many families are on the Housing waiting list, seeking a larger property, because they are overcrowded; how long on average do they wait before being offered a larger property and what are the banding criteria for overcrowding and how are the bands determined?”


Assistant City Mayor Councillor Cutkelvin replied.


Link to webcast of question 15


16.       Councillor Kitterick:-


“In the matter of the decision by Leicester City Council to remove six trees from Museum Square, Leicester; when was Councillor Clarke first consulted on the council's intention to remove six trees from Museum Square?”


Deputy City Mayor Councillor Clarke replied.


Link to webcast of question 16


17.       Councillor Kitterick:-


“In the matter of the decision by Leicester City Council to remove six trees from Museum Square, Leicester; when was Councillor Piara Singh-Clair consulted on the Council's intention to remove six trees from Museum Square?”


Deputy City Mayor Councillor Clair replied.


Link to webcast of question 17


18.       Councillor Kitterick:-


“In the matter of the decision by Leicester City Council to remove six trees from Museum Square, Leicester; has planning permission been sought for these works?  As is usual for works to trees which take place in a Conservation Area?”


Deputy City Mayor Councillor Clair replied.


Link to webcast of question 18


19.       Councillor Kitterick:-


“In the matter of the decision by Leicester City Council to remove six trees from Museum Square, Leicester; has the final report from the consultation about the future management of the New Walk Conservation Area been published yet?


Deputy City Mayor Councillor Clarke replied.


Link to webcast of question 19


20.       Councillor Kitterick:-


“In the matter of the decision by Leicester City Council to remove six trees from Museum Square, Leicester, why did officers see fit to only inform local councillors about this decision after 4pm on the Friday before the trees were due to be removed?”.


Deputy City Mayor Councillor Clair replied.


Link to webcast of question 20


21.       Councillor Porter:-


“How much money does the Council have outstanding in debt?”


City Mayor replied.


Link to webcast of question 21


22.       Councillor Porter:-


“Has the sale of Franklyn Fields been completed?”


City Mayor replied.


Link to webcast of question 22


23.       Councillor Porter:-


“How many people in Leicester are on council tax benefit?”


Assistant City Mayor Councillor Master replied.


Link to webcast of Question 23


24.       Councillor Porter:-


“How many visitors does the New Walk Museum get each year?”


Deputy City Mayor Councillor Clair replied.


Link to webcast of question 24


25.       Councillor Porter:-


“What is the average annual rent for a family renting a council property in Leicester?”


Assistant City Mayor Councillor Cutkelvin replied.


Link to webcast of question 25


26.       Councillor Porter:-


“Can taxis lawfully pick up or drop off passengers outside the railway station?”


Deputy City Mayor Councillor Clarke replied.


Link to webcast of question 26


27.       Councillor Porter:-


“Why has the public consultation on the draft local plan been delayed again?”


City Mayor replied.


Link to webcast of question 27