Agenda item


Councillor Waddington submits a report seeking approval to a Department for Education and Skills (DfES) funded programme of transformation in all secondary schools, outside the City Academy programme, and some Special Education provision in order to raise educational standards. Cabinet is recommended to approve various recommendations outlined in the report.


Councillor Waddington submitted a report seeking Member approval to a Department for Education and Skills (DfES) funded programme of transformation in all secondary schools, with the exception of those in the City Academy programme, and some funding for special schools. The minute extract from the Education and Lifelong Learning Scrutiny Committee held on 9 February 2005 had also been circulated.


It was noted that the proposals involved the refurbishment or new building of 15 schools and 1 Pupil Referral Unit, and demonstrated a commitment to improving education in the City. It was noted that revised recommendations were being suggested, to take account of the comments by the Education and Lifelong Learning Scrutiny Committee and the Unions. In particular, the importance of community use of the schools was emphasised and also the need for meaningful consultation with all stakeholders during the development of the programme. It was also recognised that some issues needed further work and reports back to Cabinet.


The Leader congratulated Councillor Waddington and the Officers involved in developing the bid which would amount to the largest investment in schools since Unitary Status.




(1)That the Strategic Business Case (SBC), the key points of which have been included within the Cabinet report, be approved,


(2)that the phase 1 Outline Business Case (OBC) , the key points of which have been included in the Cabinet report, be approved,


(3)that, subject to the approval of the OBC by HM Treasury, the Corporate Director for Education and Lifelong Learning, in consultation with the Cabinet Lead Member for Education, be authorised to commence an exercise to procure a Private Sector Partner to participate in the Local Education Partnership (LEP) and to develop the first four schools,


(4)that Officers be instructed to prepare a draft Strategic Partnering Agreement (SPA) for use in the procurement and management of the LEP, that will clearly establish the remit of each partner, requiring the retention of key strategic objectives, the development and review of the SBC and the identification of new projects retained by the LEA, with the LEP focus on the development and delivery of those new projects, the SPA to clearly establish the accountability of the LEP and the controls and measures available,


(5)that a further report be brought back to the Cabinet seeking approval to the appointment of the Private Sector Partner and the signing of contracts,


(6)that the Corporate Director of Education and Lifelong Learning, in consultation with the Cabinet Lead Member for Education and Lifelong Learning and the Project Board, be authorised to negotiate with the DfES to vary the details of the SBC and OBC, as explained in paragraph 82 of the main report,


(7)that authority be delegated to the Corporate Director of Education and Lifelong Learning in consultation with the Town Clerk, Cabinet Member for Finance and the Project Board, to subscribe for equity in the LEP, subject to available Capital Programme provision, such provision to be based solely on the extent to which investment provides the Council with greater influence in the delivery of the programme,


(8)that the Council meet 70% of the affordability gap with schools,


(9)that contract procedure rules 6,7,8,9 and 10 be waived to the extent required so that the EU procurement negotiated procedure and/or framework arrangement procedure is authorised, that the minimum number of parties being invited to submit best and final offers be not less than three and that the standard documentation produced by Partnerships for Schools be authorised as complying with contract procedure rule 10.1 (subject to such amendments as the Head of Legal Services considers necessary to ensure legality and to reflect the agreement between the two parties) and the requirements for contracts to correspond to the Council’s standard contract terms and conditions be waived accordingly,


(10)that the commitment within the SBC and OBC, to develop and design inclusive and accessible environments within the new/remodelled schools, which will encourage community use and adult education within an expanded school day, be noted,


(11)that Officers be instructed to engage in ongoing consultations with the key stakeholders, including Unions, during the development of the programme, and


(12)that Officers be instructed to investigate the following issues and to bring back a further report to Cabinet:


(a)         Secondment of staff to the Private Sector partner,

(b)         The impact on the Primary Sector of the outsourcing of ICT within the secondary estate, and

(c)         The impact on staff within the retained estate as identified in paragraph 11 of the summary report.

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