Agenda item


Highways officers will be present to give an update on highways issues in the ward.


One Way Street scheme in Asfordby Street had been in place for over 6 months. Observations show that it appeared to be working well and was generally adhered to. There were accidents reported mid 2019 at the Harewood Street/Humberstone Road but no current proposals were planned.


Harewood Street one-way entrance junction had been made permanent with tactile paving and bollards. The buildout outside the Piccadilly Cinema opposite Prospect Road on Green Lane Road was programmed to be removed before the end of the month. This would improve traffic flow and ease congestion in the area, together with the removal of the roundabout at the Harewood Street junction.


There were lots of issues on roads around the Gurdwara on East Park Road, Nottingham Road, Rosebery Street, Lancaster Street and Leicester Street. Currently the parking arrangements were under review to try and improve parking for residents. Possible measures could include double yellow lines, single yellow lines, residents parking etc. Safety measures at junctions would include installing bollards and try looking at balancing the requirements of local residents, businesses and temple users.


Bollards would possibly be in place prior to the Vaisakhi celebration, which is the Sikh New Year, celebrated on Monday April 13. An Officer met with the Gurdwara Management Team on 12/03/20 to discuss traffic management arrangements for the Vaisahki celebrations.


Cllrs wanted to meet with the Highways Team to progress the parking improvements on roads around the Gurdwara.


Officers were reviewing existing parking restrictions on Green Lane Road to improve traffic flow and reduce congestion, following the review, proposals would be developed with local ward councillors aiming to balance the requirements of local residents, businesses and shoppers.


It was also noted that the Front Walls improvement scheme on Green Lane Road was being progressed. This was similar to the scheme completed on Evington Road in 2019. The Green Lane Road scheme covered 25 properties generally between 146 and 188 Green Lane Road, 129, 141 and 153 Green Lane Road up to the East Park Road junction.


Following the removal of the mini round-about on Forest Road and Frisby Road in summer 2016, the number of accidents had decreased. The request for a pedestrian refuge scheme in this location would result in a loss of on-street parking. It was noted that a possible one-way route in to Frisby Road could take some of the potential conflicts away, but this had not been allocated to an officer or put in the works programme.



Site visits were currently being undertaken to assess the viability to install a pedestrian refuge on Hastings Road, which could be similar to existing refuges near to Overton Road and Merrydale Infant School.

A resident reported a parked van(s) on Bramling Road which had not moved for a number of months and was causing problems with visibility and inconvenience to emergency services.

ACTION: The Highways Officer to report to the Parking Enforcement Team. The resident had also spoken to the Parking Enforcement team, who said that they needed 2 CEOs to visit this area.