Agenda item


a)            Resources and Equal Opportunities Scrutiny Committee -  6 April 2006


Local Government Reorganisation

The following was agreed at the above meeting.  The full minute extract is attached at Appendix A.


(1)       that the Committee gives its support to the principle of double devolution;


(2)       that a letter be sent from the Committee to the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, as a matter of urgency expressing it’s views with regard to the expansion of the city;


(3)       that the Cabinet be requested to ask officers to develop a body of evidence which would support the expansion of the city which could possibly include the Employment Land Study, the Local Transport Plan and the Housing Needs Survey.


Councillor Blackmore to respond.


b)            Housing Scrutiny Committee - 6 April 2006


            Any Other Business - Integrated Services Review

The following was agreed at the above meeting. 


That the Scrutiny Committee submit the following proposals to Cabinet for its consideration:


That Cabinet, with immediate effect, makes a full review of it’s decision to transfer the anti-            social             behaviour unit from the Housing Department to the Adult and Community Services Department, in view of the fact that Members of the Housing Scrutiny Committee have asked a series of questions in respect of the Unit remaining in the Housing Department.  The Housing Scrutiny Committee strongly believe that all aspects of crime and disorder             should be contained within the Housing Department on the grounds that over 85% of referrals to the anti-social behaviour come from Housing officers.  Furthermore, Members of the Housing Scrutiny Committee were at no point consulted around the transfer of the Unit.


Councillor Grant to respond.


a)            Resources and Equal Opportunities Scrutiny Committee - 6 April 2006


            Local Government Reorganisation


            The following was agreed at the above meeting. 


1)         that the Committee gives its support to the principle of double devolution;


(2)       that a letter be sent from the Committee to the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, as a matter of urgency expressing it’s views with regard to the expansion of the city;


(3)       that the Cabinet be requested to ask officers to develop a body of evidence which would support the expansion of the city which could possibly include the Employment Land Study, the Local Transport Plan and the Housing Needs Survey.



Councillor Blackmore made the following statement of Cabinet's position:-


'The Cabinet recognises that there are considerable advantages to be had by expanding the City to take in the whole of the Leicester conurbation, advantages which would accrue both to the current City and to those areas added to the City.  Not least an expanded City offers the opportunity for a co-ordinated policy over issues such as transport, planning, housing, regeneration and retail, policy which is more difficult to achieve across local authorities, and space within which to carry out that policy.


However, the Cabinet recognises that the desired outcomes can also be achieved through increased collaboration between all local authorities serving the population of central Leicestershire.


The Cabinet believes that local government is not simply about the efficient and effective delivery of local services.  There is a need for a common local identity within any local government area.  There is no evidence that there is the slightest desire on the part of the population living outside of the City of Leicester but within the Leicester conurbation to be absorbed into an expanded City.  Indeed, such evidence as there is shows widespread antipathy towards an extension of the City boundaries.


In the light of this, the Cabinet will not be supporting any expansion in the City and seeks increased collaboration between the City Council, the County Council and neighbouring district councils to the benefit of all who live, work and socialise in the Leicester conurbation.'


b)            Housing Scrutiny Committee - 6 April 2006


Integrated Services Review


            The following was agreed at the above meeting. 


That the Scrutiny Committee submit the following proposals to Cabinet for its consideration:


That Cabinet, with immediate effect, makes a full review of it’s decision to transfer the anti-            social             behaviour unit from the Housing Department to the Adult and Community Services Department, in view of the fact that Members of the Housing Scrutiny Committee have asked a series of questions in respect of the Unit remaining in the Housing Department.  The Housing Scrutiny Committee strongly believe that all aspects of crime and disorder             should be contained within the Housing Department on the grounds that over 85% of referrals to the anti-social behaviour come from Housing officers.  Furthermore, Members of the Housing Scrutiny Committee were at no point consulted around the transfer of the Unit.


Councillor Grant noted that the Integrated Services Review had been a detailed and lengthy review which had been scrutinised by the Resources and Equal Opportunities Scrutiny Committee who had not commented on the above aspect of the proposals.  As the departments were now in existence, the comments of the Housing Scrutiny Committee were too late.  However, he noted that the arrangements for Scrutiny Committees next year, which were currently out for consultation, included Anti Social Behaviour in the terms of reference of the Housing and Community Safety Scrutiny Committee.

Supporting documents: