Agenda item


Councillor Holden submits a report advising Members on the procurement


The Service Director, Environment submits a report setting out the results of the public consultation on the Proposed Modifications to the Deposit Replacement Local Plan. It highlighted the main issues arising from the responses and proposes minor changes to the Plan.


A member of the Committee raised concerns about the change to the map which outlined the GE17 Aylestone policy area. He felt that the Council wasn’t able to make such changes as they hadn’t been in response to the inspector’s recommendation. Officers commented that the change was made with a view to achieving development of the whole area rather than piecemeal development. It was also commented that changes could be made as long as they weren’t significant, but were logical. If they were significant then they shouldn’t be made.


A Member of the Committee noted that they had requested a briefing note on the Powergen site of Aylestone Road. Officers undertook to provide this note. It was also requested that it be confirmed that this Committee was simply giving its support to protecting the cricket pitch that was on the site, and not approving any other development on the site. It was also requested that it be confirmed that any further development proposals for the site be considered as part of a supplementary planning guidance which was to be prepared with full community consultation. Officers commented that following on from consultation with the community it was always envisaged to retain the sports facilities on the site. Officers were aware of the importance of the cricket pitch to the community. It was proposed that the Local Plan would now be less specific on allowing a range of uses but far more specific on retaining the cricket pitch.


A query was raised about the type of waste facility that was being proposed on part of the former sports ground at Sunningdale Road.  Further concerns were expressed about loss of the sports ground to facilitate this. Officers commented that it wasn’t possible to be precise about the type of facility it would be, but the Council was keen to develop a building waste recycling facility. It was felt this was a suitable site provided noise and dust prevention measures were put in place. There would be minimal loss of the sports ground, as it would only be used for access.


Members commented that as confusion was arising over the locations of some of the proposals mentioned in the report, it would be preferable to have maps in future reports.


Members made a number of comments with regard to the requests for changes to policy HO6, affordable housing. The Service Director, Environment outlined the current policy, noting that there were a number of factors taken in to account when considering a planning application and these all played a part in determining the level of affordable housing that would be provided. He commented that the Council’s property services section provided advice on viability of schemes and made recommendations about the level of affordable housing that could be provided. He also commented that with any planning application there would be factors which supported an application and those which went against. Officers from the different departments of the Council were doing their job by pointing out these factors.


Another member of the Committee queried paragraph 2.15 in the report. He felt that it was restricting the number of housing units being provided. He felt that housing development would be determined by the number of people wishing to live in the city. He also commented on the debate regarding the use of employment land sites for housing. He felt that the plan should give freedom to look at a range of uses for a site. Officers commented that the objection by the Government Office for the East Midlands as outlined at 2.15 of the report had been withdrawn following agreement of minor changes. It was also noted that research on the employment land requirements in the city was nearly complete and would be reported to this Committee.


Councillor Farmer, Cabinet Member Strategic Community Renewal and Safety made a number of comments. He said he intended to make changes to the report and that he didn’t accept some of the recommendations in the report. He said that he was open to accepting different views on the proposals particularly those of residents. He was also happy to discuss issues with Ward Councillors should they require it.


Members of the Committee raised concerns about the proposed change to policy PS02. They didn’t agree with the changing of the wording replacing the word ‘requirement’ with ‘target’ in relation to the level of affordable housing that was to be sought. Officers commented that the change was proposed to make it consistent with policy H06. It was also noted that under current Government policy there was no requirement placed upon developers but there should be negotiation taking all factors in to account.



that the following be noted as concerns of the committee:-

- The Aylestone Policy Area

- The Powergen sports ground site

-The Sunningdale Road building waste recycling site proposal

-Changes to the policy, - PS02 regarding affordable housing within the strategic regeneration area


(The detail relating to these concerns is in the body of the minute.)