Agenda item


Sara Prema (Executive Director of Strategy and Planning for Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland CCGs) to give a presentation.


Sarah Prema (Executive Director of Strategy and Planning for Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland CCGs) gave a presentation on the Integrated Care System – Principles, Priorities and Purpose.


During the presentation it was noted that:-


·         Although Integrated Care was not new hand had been in existence for some time the responsibility for it would be put on a statutory footing from April 2022.

·         It would enable transformation of health and care through joining up and co-ordination of services with a proactive and preventative focus and be responsive to the needs of local populations.

·         Current guidance indicated that this would 80% for local determination and 20% mandated through legislation and government and national health bodies.

·         It was expected that the current parliamentary Bill would be discussed by the House of Lords after the summer recess.

·         Examples of what had already been done to integrate services was outlined the presentation. Co-locating social care and community services had been key in making improvements.

·         There was flexibility to add others to the Health and Partnership Group above the statutory requirements.


During discussion, members commented that:-


·         The proposals for memberships of the Health and Care Partnership Group to exclude elected members ahead of formal legislation being in place was unusual.  There was a need to recognise the key differences democratically of the lead political and officer leaderships in the various organisations involved.  The 3 lead Councils in the LLR were all different politically and were responsible for areas which had differing health needs and priorities and differing financial resources.

·         This would be an evolving long term strategy as one solution would not fit all needs and the involvement of the respective Health and Wellbeing Boards would generate questions about the future sustainability and development issues.

·         The Health & Wellbeing  Boards needed to be involved in defining the partnership arrangements from a local government led perspective and not an NHS led viewpoint.

·         The role and responsibilities of the Board and the officer led groups would need further discussion going forward to clarify priorities and feed in desired service provisions needs.  This could be addressed through a development session.

·         Though would need to be given on how the work and views of other interested groups such as the Safeguarding Children Partnership Boards and Learning Disability Boards etc are incorporated into the process for assessing service needs.

·         The processes involved would need to constantly grow and evolve to respond to what was considered unsatisfactory, what needed ot be tackled next and what issues were still unresolved.

·         One of the strengths of the Board is considering the wider determinants of health and wellbeing including education and housing etc and these are represented on the Board whereas the present system partnership group is predominately health and social care body and thought needs to be given to how the system partnership board does not end up being narrower in focus than the Health and Wellbeing Boards which are place.  Police, Fire and Rescue and Universities footprints also need ot be incorporated.

·         The new system brought in providers and social care employees which were greater in number that NHS staff.  If barriers were being removed in commissioning etc then how the social care providers were involved needed to be considered.

·         Going forward this would be a collective document with all organisation involved in putting it together and would need to be kept under constant review so consideration could also be given to broader aspects about NHS delivery.

·         LLR was unique and had special issues BAIME, poverty, rural and deprivation issues and it was hoped that something on these could be included on these.

·         The priorities express were all NHS priorities and these could be change to reflect that the emphasis was not seen as statements about the services people would receive but about services the people wanted to see in order to lead the lives they wished to live. i.e. you asked for and we are providing etc.




1)    Officers were thanked for the presentation and discussion on the proposals and were asked to consider and incorporate the views express by members of the Board above, as it was important that work progressed in a. collaborative and transparent process.


2)    Officers were asked ot present further updates as the process progressed and further guidance/legislation was received.


3)    That a development session of the Board be arranged to discuss the role and responsibilities of the Board and the officer led groups further.

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