Agenda item


The Strategic Director for Social Care and Education submits information providing the restructured table of the Procurement Plan.


Members of the Commission are recommended to pass any comments to the Strategic Director for Social Care and Education.


The Head of Commissioning introduced the reordered procurement plan 21/23 adults and children’s services.


It was noted that not all procurement is guaranteed, as there is a review process which could deem it unnecessary to go to market. The plan also showed the reviewed status of procurement activity, the status of contracts out for procurement and items at pre procurement stage which could be discussed further.


As part of the discussions Members thanked Officers for the new format and queried with officers whether Domestic Violence could be brought to Scrutiny. It was noted that Domestic Violence did not fit into the Strategic Director for Social Care and Education’s portfolio and it was a topic that went to the Neighbourhood Services Scrutiny Commission. Members suggested that they were happy if the Neighbourhoods Services Scrutiny covered the item but would add it to the Adult Social Care Scrutiny Commission’s work programme if it was appropriate to be covered at this Commission.


Members of the Commission queried contract extensions and the impact of these contracts on the delivery of service. It was noted that in many cases the service were able to extend the duration of contracts within the terms of the original contracts, subject to them still meeting the needs of the people drawing on those services. It was further noted that there had been times where the service had to go beyond the terms of the contracts although this was in very few cases. Over the past 18 months there had been issues with the market’s ability to respond to a tender.


Members suggested that the Commission should consider looking into Extra Care Development contracts at a future meeting. Members were aware and appreciated commercial confidentiality but suggested that these contracts could be considered in a private session and the Director for Adult Social Care and Commissioning welcomed a discussion with Members on Extra Care Developments in terms of future procurement and an early conversations with Members would be beneficial.


Members raised their concerns with the Vulnerable Passenger Transport Service contracts and whether this service would be better value for money if it was delivered inhouse rather than delivery through private companies. It was noted that there were currently in the region of 700-800 school children using this service delivered both by an inhouse fleet which supported the provision of transport for children and taxi providers as a last resort. Officers echoed their  concerns on the price of the contracts and would also like this addressed with the procurement in process for change in approach where the service had moved to a dynamic purchasing system to drive up competition and in turn drives down the price. The Strategic Director for Social Care and Education noted that about 90% of the children using this service were attending one or other of the special needs schools and a regular update on this was provided at the Children, Young People and Education Scrutiny Commission.


Members of the Commission shared their concerns with the risk rating column on the plan and highlighted where there had been 13 instances where a commissioning review was in progress. Members queried how long the review process was and how it was managed. The Head of Commissioning noted that this was an 18-month process, leading time from the commencement of a review until the contract went live. This allowed for a thorough process and emphasised on co-production with those who receive the service. The Head of Commissioning’s team dealt with the process, but it was noted that this process also overlapped with Children’s Services.


It was suggested that this was the normal process to ensure no key aspects were missed and the service were delivered efficiently on the goals the team were commissioning. It was noted that there were dedicated Commissioning and Procurement Teams. Risk factors were rated on things including price, volume, the vulnerability of people and the impact on the reputation of the Council. 



1)    That the Strategic Director for Social Care and Education be requested to provide an update to the Adult Social Care Scrutiny Commission on the Transport of Vulnerable Persons when further progress is made following the commissioning review;

2)    That the item on Domestic Violence be considered jointly with the Neighbourhood Services Scrutiny Commission;

3)    That the Strategic Director for Social Care and Education be requested to submit a report to the Adult Social Care Scrutiny Commission on the Liberty Protection Safeguarding – under Adult Social Care once further clarity and guidance is received from the Department of Health & Social Care and that this also include the associated Advocacy contracts;

4)    That the Strategic Director for Social Care and Education be requested to further update Members of the Commission on Extra Care Development – under Adult Social Care following the Commissioning review;

5)    That the item on Domiciliary Support – under Adult Social Care, to be considered as part of ongoing task group work into care costs packages review; and

6)    That the Strategic Director for Social Care and Education be requested to provide a future report updating the Commission on the Procurement Plan in 6 months.


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