Issue - decisions



1) Adopt the Waterside Supplementary Planning Document and note the consultation statement attached as Appendix 1 in the main report.


(2) Approve the submission of an outline planning application for the area shown in Appendix 2 in the main report.


(3) Delegate authority to the Strategic Director (City Development & Neighbourhoods), in consultation with the City Mayor, to acquire land and property through negotiation within the area identified in Appendix 3 in the main report, any other appropriate acquisitions in the Waterside SPD area and any other land and property required for relocation purposes.


(4) Approve in principle the development of additional business workspace at Friars Mill and to delegate authority to the Strategic Director (City Development & Neighbourhoods), in consultation with the City Mayor, to agree detailed costs and enter into contractual arrangements.


(5) Note that £5.5m from the Government’s Local Growth Fund for 2015/16 is already in the approved capital programme for the Waterside; and to add £2m from resources set aside for the Economic Action Plan and £2m expected from the Local Growth Fund in 2016/17, making a £9.5m phase 1 funding total.