Issue - decisions

Revenue Outturn 2015/16

23/06/2016 - Revenue Budget Monitoring Outturn 2015/16

1.  Note the outturn position detailed in the accompanying report, to which all appendix/paragraph references refer.

2.  Approve the proposed uses for contributions to departments reserves within the Corporate Resources department, as set out in Appendix B, paras 1.3, 2.2, 3.5, 4.2 & 5.1.

3.  Approve the transfer of the underspends within City Development & Neighbourhoods to departmental reserves, including £0.3m to the Housing reserve as outlined in Appendix B, Para 10.3 and £37k to CDN reserves to assist with future costs of transformation.

4.  Approve the proposal to transfer the £0.3m underspend in Health & Well-being to the department’s reserve to help manage costs related to delivering future savings, as detailed in Appendix B, Para 13.8.

5.  Approve the reduction of the 2016/17 budget for the City Development & Neighbourhoods division by £300k, representing savings made within the division’s operating budget. Delegate authority to the Director of Finance to determine which budget ceilings to amend to effect the change.


6.  Approve the proposal to allocate £3.6m of the underspend on corporate budgets to fund the Economic Action Plan, as outlined in Appendix B, Para 17.5