Agenda and minutes

Health and Wellbeing Board - Thursday, 18 April 2024 9:30 am

Venue: Meeting Room G.01, Ground Floor, City Hall, 115 Charles Street, Leicester, LE1 1FZ

Contact: Georgia Humby 


No. Item



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Apologies for Absence were received from:


-    Councillor Vi Dempster - Deputy City Mayor (Education, Libraries & Community Centres), LCC

-    Rani Mahal - Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner for Leicester, Leicestershire, and Rutland

-     Jean Knight – Deputy Chief Executive, LPT

-     Hardip Chohan, Head of Operations & Services, Voluntary Action LeicesterShire

-     Richard Mitchell – Chief Executive, UHL

-     Caroline Trevithick – LLR ICB Chief Nursing Officer & LLR ICB Deputy Chief Executive

-     Kevin Allen-Khimani – Chief Executive, Voluntary Action LeicesterShire

-     Dr Avi Prasad - Place Board Clinical Lead, LLR ICB

-     Rachna Vyas - Chief Operating Officer, LLR ICB




Members are asked to declare any interests they may have in the business to be discussed at the meeting.


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Members were asked to declare any interests they may have in the business to be discussed at the meeting.  No such declarations were received.





The Minutes of the previous meeting of the Board held on 7 March 2024 are attached and the Board is asked to confirm them as a correct record.


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The Minutes of the previous meeting of the Board held on 7 March 2024 be confirmed as a correct record.



The Chair to invite questions from members of the public.

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No questions from members of the public had been received.



Update of the delivery plan discussing strategy progress. 

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Diana Humphries (Programme Manager – Health & Wellbeing Board, Public Health, LCC) presented slides to update members on the delivery plan and strategy progress. A copy of the slides was included in the agenda pack.

“Do”, “Sponsor” and “Watch” have been allocated to each of the 19 priorities in the Health & Wellbeing Strategy. Each theme area was presented in turn as below, but with a focus on the “Do” priorities:-


Theme A: Healthy Places

The main priority has been to “improve access to primary and community health and care services” in two main ways:-

a)    Develop integrated neighbourhood teams:-

·         The 10 City Primary Care Networks (PCNs) identified 5 Priorities that have been delivered throughout 2023/24 (Bowel Cancer Screening, Weight Management, Hypertension, Integrated Chronic Kidney Disease and Women’s Health). This has been achieved through work including:-

o   The “Joy” app

o   Care Navigators

o   Social Prescribing

o   Direct Enhanced Service

·         The next steps are:-

o   Sharing of best practice. 

o   Enable PCNs to co-design plans

o   Support PCNs to progress in their Maturity Matrix

b)    Deliver the Enhanced Access Service in Primary Care

·         This has been delivered across Leicester City from October 2022 and has seen a rise in the number of more accessible appointments.

·         The next step is to publish the PCN Direct Enhanced Access guidance/specification for delivery from April 2024.

Theme B: Healthy Start

The main priority has been to mitigate against the impacts of poverty on children and young people. This has been tackled in two main ways:-

a)    Peer Support Programme

·         This is underway, but there remains a risk of not recruiting enough peer supporters with the appropriate lived experience.The next step is around linking with existing voluntary sector programmes who already have volunteers with lived experience.

b)    Family Hubs

·         5 Family Hubs early adopter sites are in place.

·         Cllr Russell noted that there is Government Funding to develop these Hubs in the City – but it is only for two years and has 182 criteria attached (put in place by the Department for Education). Leicestershire County received less funding but without specific criteria attached to it. Cllr Russell would be happy for an update on Family Hubs to be brought to a future HWB Board meeting.

Theme C: Healthy Lives

The main priority has been to increase early detection of heart & lung diseases and cancer in adults. This has been tackled in two main ways:-

a)    Hypertension Optimisation

·         The ICB reviewed the data to January 2024 and identified the 20 GP practices with the lowest rates. These practices are likely to have low optimisation of blood pressure (which was explained by Dr Packham in the meeting).

·         The next steps are around targeting (using data), sharing best practice and promoting consistency.

b)    The Faecal Immunochemical Test (FIT) Test Pilot

·         This pilot has generated positive feedback and good results (although there is a risk that cumulative data can be misleading).

·         The next step is to review the pilot and extend if it has evaluated well.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 65.



Background and context of the Learning Disability Board, focus on the ‘Learning Disability Big Plan (strategy)’ update.


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Michelle Larke (Head of Commissioning, Adult Social Care, LCC) presented on the background/context of the Learning Disability Programme Board, and also an update on the Strategy (the Learning Disability Big Plan).
The following points were noted:

·         The Chair noted that she attends the Learning Disability Programme Board and finds it to be an inclusive and proactive meeting – and thanked the Presenting Officer for this.

·         The Learning Disability Programme Board was established in 2001 and is attended by NHS, LPT, ICB, Police, Voluntary Sector and families with learning disabilities. Its key role is to be a Place-Based Board to give those with learning disabilities a voice.

·         There is a self-advocacy sub-group of the Board called “We Think”.

·         The Board meets quarterly online – and there will be a development session in May 2024.

·         The Strategy (shown in full in the agenda pack) launched in February 2020 and formally ended in December 2023 – although it has now been extended for two further years.

·         The Strategy focusses on four main topics/areas:-

1)    Health Inequalities – including:-

§ The Learning Disabilities and Autism Collaborative

§ The Learning From Lives and Deaths Review (LeDeR)

§ Access to health checks, oral health, vaccinations and screening.

2)    The Short Breaks offer - including targeted engagement to find out what families really want.

3)    Support for employment; the Department for Work & Pensions is funding work that will give meaningful opportunities.

4)    Integration; getting the voice of those with learning disabilities integrated into the governance of City services.

Comments and questions from the Board:-

·         The Chair noted that the uptake of annual health checks has increased significantly due to the actions of the LD Board – and is a higher uptake rate than most other areas in the Country. She also noted that a significant number of deaths were in people who had not had their annual check.

·         The Member representing Leicestershire Police asked how many people had received blood tests at the annual health check. The Presenting Officer and the Member representing the ICB noted that needle phobia is common amongst people with learning disabilities (as found during the Covid-19 pandemic). Funding was secured for a Vena Puncture pilot, and this is now being rolled out with a pathway attached. Primary Care are now looking at phlebotomy as a priority area in general – particularly LPT (with regards to children under 12) and PCNs (with regards to those aged 12 to 16). There is also a “difficult to bleed” service (which can include need phobia or people unable to sit still) – and Helen Mather will speak to staff in this service about linkages to the LD Strategy.

·         The Member representing Leicestershire Police felt that it would be a good idea for an “MOT” offer to be developed for those with learning disabilities (so this would include oral health within the annual health check). The Chair agreed that the fewer appointments the less anxiety – and wondered if there was a dental practice that may  ...  view the full minutes text for item 66.



Presentation around using MECC as a means of upskilling the health and care workforces (and voluntary sector) in encouraging people to make positive changes to their health and wellbeing to prevent ill-health.

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Amy Endacott (Programme Manager, Public Health, LCC) presented on this training as a means of upskilling health/care/voluntary sector workforces in encouraging people they are in contact with to make positive changes to their health and wellbeing. It was noted that:

·         The value of an upskilled workforce (both paid and voluntary) is vital to the prevention agenda.

·         This training is low cost and evidence based (by NICE) – and is included in the following key local documents:-

                      i.        The LLR 5 Year Forward Plan

                     ii.        The UHL Annual Prevention Report

                    iii.        The Health & Wellbeing Strategy and Action Plan

·         The “MECC Plus” national programme was developed locally into the current “Healthy Conversation Skills” package – and is focussed on enabling the workforce to spot opportunities to empower their service-users to be aware of their health/wellbeing and develop their own solutions. This is achieved by focussing on open questions, listening, regular reflection and support/signposting.

·         There are three levels of training:-

                      i.        a 45 minute e-learning package (1500 people have completed this across LLR).

                     ii.        a three hour face-to-face “HCS Lite”; 800 people have completed this across LLR – with around half of these being city-specific workforce. The completers for the City are mainly from Leicester City Council (Public Health, Housing, Adult Learning, Adult Social Care) and the voluntary care sector (Food Hubs, Open Hands, Leicester City in The Community etc).

                    iii.        a full six-hour course. This is the Train The Trainer aspect to the programme – and 45 LLR staff have completed this. For the City there are 11 in this network from within Public Health (Live Well Service and Community Champions) and Adult Social Care.

·         Another intended impacts is to build workforce confidence/knowledge – and this will then translate into an increase in referral to support services.

·         The programme in LLR commenced in 2019 (with some short break between then and now due to Covid-19 and capacity). Initial funding has all been utilised – but some Public Health funds are enabling the programme to continue. The current funding only allows for targeted work (and currently this is with food banks/hub and the voluntary sector).

·         The web pages have received nearly two million views.

·         Slides within the pack show the dashboard data from the survey results (pre and post course attendance).

·         Three case studies were presented:-

                      i.        Open Hands

                     ii.        Covid-19 Vaccine Confidence work – which utilised ICB funding to identify reasons for hesitancy and work alongside vaccination clinics.

                    iii.        “Proof of Concept” work – which is ongoing.

·         The Board was requested to input into the upcoming evaluation of the programme, help identify any funding pots to enable it to be sustained -  and generally endorse the concept.

Comments and questions from the Board:-

-       The member representing Healthwatch was keen for both Healthwatch and Voluntary Action Leicester to be involved.

-       The Member representing the Fire Service felt this training would be useful for the Community Educators – ideally linked to a set of priority messages (which could be chosen by The  ...  view the full minutes text for item 67.



Position of BCF at Q3. (This document will be circulated to members via email)

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This paper (circulated via email rather than within the agenda pack) was for noting only – and so not formally presented.



-That the Board accept and note the update for Quarter 3.




Below are the draft dates for the Health and Wellbeing Board for the 2024/25 municipal year. These are to be confirmed at the Annual Council meeting on 16 May. Please note these are subject to change.


1.    Thurs 27 June 2024

2.    Thurs 5 September 2024

3.    Thurs 7 November 2024

4.    Thurs 16 January 2025

5.    Thurs 27 February 2025

6.    Thurs 1 May 2025


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It was noted that the dates in the agenda pack for June 2024 to May 2025 were no longer correct; a revised set will be confirmed at a Full Council meeting and subsequently circulated via email to members.


Governance Services will email a revised set of dates for future meetings to members as soon as they have been finalised.



Additional documents:


-       Thanks were noted to Alison Williams (from Public Health) for minuting these meetings for the last five sessions.

-       The Governance Services Officer allocated to the Health and Wellbeing Board will be changing to Georgia Humby. Thanks were noted to Jacob Mann for his work in this role over recent months.

-       There being no other business the meeting closed at 11.30am.