Agenda and minutes

Cabinet - for meetings after 09/05/11, please see 'City Mayor & Cabinet' - Monday, 24 October 2005 5:00 pm

No. Item



Members are asked to declare any interests they may have in the business to be discussed and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


Members were requested to declare any interests they may have in the business to be discussed and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Act applied to them.


No declarations were made.



Councillor Holden submits a report advising Members on the procurement


The Service Director, Environment submits a report setting out the results of the public consultation on the Proposed Modifications to the Deposit Replacement Local Plan. It highlighted the main issues arising from the responses and proposes minor changes to the Plan.


A member of the Committee raised concerns about the change to the map which outlined the GE17 Aylestone policy area. He felt that the Council wasn’t able to make such changes as they hadn’t been in response to the inspector’s recommendation. Officers commented that the change was made with a view to achieving development of the whole area rather than piecemeal development. It was also commented that changes could be made as long as they weren’t significant, but were logical. If they were significant then they shouldn’t be made.


A Member of the Committee noted that they had requested a briefing note on the Powergen site of Aylestone Road. Officers undertook to provide this note. It was also requested that it be confirmed that this Committee was simply giving its support to protecting the cricket pitch that was on the site, and not approving any other development on the site. It was also requested that it be confirmed that any further development proposals for the site be considered as part of a supplementary planning guidance which was to be prepared with full community consultation. Officers commented that following on from consultation with the community it was always envisaged to retain the sports facilities on the site. Officers were aware of the importance of the cricket pitch to the community. It was proposed that the Local Plan would now be less specific on allowing a range of uses but far more specific on retaining the cricket pitch.


A query was raised about the type of waste facility that was being proposed on part of the former sports ground at Sunningdale Road.  Further concerns were expressed about loss of the sports ground to facilitate this. Officers commented that it wasn’t possible to be precise about the type of facility it would be, but the Council was keen to develop a building waste recycling facility. It was felt this was a suitable site provided noise and dust prevention measures were put in place. There would be minimal loss of the sports ground, as it would only be used for access.


Members commented that as confusion was arising over the locations of some of the proposals mentioned in the report, it would be preferable to have maps in future reports.


Members made a number of comments with regard to the requests for changes to policy HO6, affordable housing. The Service Director, Environment outlined the current policy, noting that there were a number of factors taken in to account when considering a planning application and these all played a part in determining the level of affordable housing that would be provided. He commented that the Council’s property services section provided advice on viability of schemes and made recommendations about the level of affordable housing  ...  view the full minutes text for item 119.



The minutes of the meeting held on 26 September 2005, have been circulated to Members and the Cabinet is asked to approve them as a correct record.



that the minutes of the meeting held on 26 September, having been circulated to Members, be taken as read and signed by the Chair as a correct record.



a)            Health Scrutiny Committee   Appendix A1

            22 September 2005


            The following was agreed at the above meeting. The full minute extract is attached at appendix A1.


            UK Influenza Pandemic – Potential Implications



That the report and the comments of the Health Scrutiny Committee be referred to Cabinet for consideration.


Councillor Gill to respond.


An officer report is also attached at Appendix A1.



b)            Health Scrutiny Committee            Appendix A2

            22 September 2005     


            The following was agreed at the above meeting. The full minute extract is attached at Appendix A2.


         Choosing Health White Paper – Public Health Implications of Smoking



(1)That a report be prepared for Cabinet and Council, based on the background papers, proposing a review of the Council’s existing policies on smoking in its own premises and those it regulates;


(2)That a letter be sent from the Health Scrutiny Committee to University Hospitals Leicester, the Magistrates’ Court and relevant officers in Leicester City Council requesting that action be taken to deter people smoking outside main entrances to their premises.


         Councillor Gill to respond.

Additional documents:


a)         Health Scrutiny Committee - 22 September 2005


The Committee resolved the following at the above meeting:-


            UK Influenza Pandemic – Potential Implications



That the report and the comments of the Health Scrutiny Committee be referred to Cabinet for consideration”.


Councillor Gill submitted a report updating the Cabinet on issues relating to a potential influenza pandemic.  He introduced Dr Stephen Whitehead, the Director of Public Health for the City, who gave a short presentation on the facts concerning the potential epidemic and precautions and preparation strategies.


Following Members questions, Councillor Gill thanked Dr Whitehead for his presentation.



(1)            that the Health Scrutiny Committee be thanked for drawing this matter to the attention of the Cabinet and officers be requested to take into account the views expressed by the Committee in the further development of pandemic flu plans including those at a multi-agency level;


(2)that officers be asked to liaise with appropriate agencies and veterinary officers regarding advice concerning the bird population within the City;


(3)that Corporate Directors be asked to ensure that their business continuity plans are reviewed and operative;


(4)that Corporate Directors, within the business continuity framework and having regard to the particular service pressures arising from the influenza pandemic, be asked to identify within their portfolio of responsibilities, the essential services, and the key skills and essential workers required to ensure continued delivery of essential services;


(5)that the Corporate Director of Resources, Access and Diversity be asked to engage with employee representatives regarding the planning processes and potential health and safety implications for Council employees; and


(6)that the Corporate Director of Resources, Access and Diversity prepare a fact sheet for Members.



            b)            Health Scrutiny Committee - 22 September 2005


The Committee resolved the following at the above meeting:-


           Choosing Health White Paper – Public Health Implications Of Smoking



(1)That a report be prepared for Cabinet and Council, based on the background papers, proposing a review of the Council’s existing policies on smoking in its own premises and those it regulates;


(2)That a letter be sent from the Health Scrutiny Committee to University Hospitals Leicester, the Magistrates’ Court and relevant officers in Leicester City Council requesting that action be taken to deter people smoking outside main entrances to their premises.”


Councillor Gill welcomed the report " Public Health Implications of Smoking" referred from the Health Scrutiny and reported that  he had asked officers to prepare a report to be presented to the Cabinet at a future meeting.



Councillor Gill submits a report seeking to secure commitment to the enhancement of the existing Corporate Parenting initiative, and agreement to its development plan. The Cabinet is asked to; nominate a Cabinet Corporate Parenting Champion; receive a progress from the Cabinet’s Corporate Parenting Champion annually; refer to full Council for agreement of and support for the initiative.


The relevant minutes extracts from the Education and Lifelong Learning Scrutiny Committee on 1 September and the Social Services Scrutiny Committee on 13 September are attached to the report.

Additional documents:


Councillor Gill submitted a report which sought a commitment to the enhancement of the existing Corporate Parenting initiative and agreement to its development plan.


The relevant Minutes of the meetings of the Education and Lifelong Learning Scrutiny Committee on 1 September and of the Social Services Scrutiny Committee on 13 September had been circulated with the report.



(1)that the Cabinet nominate a Cabinet Corporate Parenting Champion;


(2)that a report on progress be received annually from the Cabinet’s Corporate Parenting Champion; and


(3) that the report be referred to full Council for agreement of and support for the initiative and that Council be recommended to:-


i)confirm its commitment to improving outcomes for Looked After Children and Care Leavers through its recognition of the importance of Corporate Parenting;


ii)hold a child and young people friendly event at full Council; and


iii)receive an annual report on Corporate Parenting developments



Councillor Farmer submits a report highlighting the role of restorative justice in the work of the Youth Offending Service (YOS) and suggesting ways in which the City Council can support the YOS in providing increased community reparation opportunities for young people. The Cabinet is asked to approve a number of recommendations which ask for support from the Council’s Members, employees and resources for the delivery of restorative justice services.


Councillor Farmer submitted a report highlighting the role of restorative justice in the work of the Youth Offending Service (YOS) and suggesting ways in which the City Council could support the YOS in providing increased community reparation opportunities for young people.



(1)that community reparation opportunities for young people be promoted across City Council Departments;


(2)that City Council employees who wish to become trained panel members and attend panel meetings, if necessary during working hours consistent with similar voluntary work undertakings such as the JP service, be supported;


(3)that approval be given for appropriate Council premises being used to hold local, community based panel meetings for the delivery of restorative justice services at a local neighbourhood level;


(4)that the YOS exploring the possibility of identifying a suitable house for regeneration which can be used to enable young people to complete voluntary reparation and obtain key practical and vocational skills and qualifications, be supported; and


(5)that a restorative justice forum be established, involving elected members and appropriate Council officers, to promote awareness of restorative justice and identify opportunities for new reparation schemes.



Councillor Suleman submits a report informing the Cabinet of the cost of LEA liabilities incurred for the construction of a new primary school in Hamilton. The Cabinet is asked to agree that the LEA liabilities of £376,869 be met from the Authorities Basic Need Credit Approval allocation for the Hamilton Area.


Councillor Suleman submitted a report nforming the Cabinet of the cost of LEA liabilities incurred for the construction of a new primary school in Hamilton.



that the LEA Liabilities of £376,869, incurred for the construction of a new primary school, be met from the Authority’s Basic Need Credit Approval allocation for the Hamilton Area. 



Councillor Mugglestone submits a report which outlines proposals for the improvement of public conveniences in the city so as to provide sustainable facilities, which reduce the vandalism and unsocial behaviour often associated with the current provision. The Cabinet is asked to consider any recommendations from the Arts, Leisure and Environment Scrutiny Committee; approve the revised proposals for the eight unattended toilet blocks detailed in Section 2 of the supporting information and the priority 1 works detailed in Appendix 1 and authorise the Corporate Director of Regeneration and Culture in consultation with the Cabinet Lead Member for Regeneration and Culture to vary the programme with the total approved sum to reflect changes in circumstances and customer feedback.


The relevant minutes extract of the Arts, Leisure and Environment Scrutiny Committee on 19 October 2005, will be circulated as soon as they are available.


Councillor Mugglestone submitted a report which outlined proposals for the improvement of public conveniences in the city so as to provide sustainable facilities, which reduced the vandalism and unsocial behaviour often associated with the current provision.  It was noted that the report had been considered by the Arts, Leisure and Environment Scrutiny Committee at its meeting on 19 October and the relevant minute extract had been circulated to Cabinet.  The Cabinet supported the Committee’s proposal  that unisex facilities be provided for baby changing at as many of the park toilets and toilets adjacent to parks as possible.



(1)that the Arts, Leisure and Environment Scrutiny Committee be thanked for their comments on the proposals;


(2)that the revised proposals for the eight unattended toilet blocks detailed in Section 2 of the supporting information and the priority 1 works detailed in Appendix 1, be approved, with the first phase of the programme scheduled to be undertaken in 2005/06; and


(3)that the Corporate Director of Regeneration & Culture, be authorised, in consultation with the Cabinet Lead Member for Regeneration & Culture to vary the programme within the total approved sum to reflect changes in circumstances and customer feedback, including the proposals of the Arts, Leisure and Environment Scrutiny Committee



Councillor Grant submits a report which describes how a number of streams of work are being co-ordinated into a Comprehensive Business Improvement Programme and seeking approval for the mandate for this major piece of work.


Councillor Grant submitted a report which described how a number of streams of work were being co-ordinated into a Comprehensive Business Improvement Programme and seeking approval for the mandate for this major programme of work.



(1)that the arrangements for the co-ordination of a number of related streams of work into a comprehensive Business Improvement Programme and Integrated Services Programme, as set out in the supporting information, be noted;


(2)that the Town Clerk consult relevant members and set up appropriate arrangements for scrutiny of the two programmes;


(3)that the Business Improvement Programme be mandated with the vision, objectives, scope and approach set out in the supporting information;


(4)that the programme funding and resources already in place be confirmed;


(5)that each project be scoped and budgets approved by the Town Clerk in consultation with the Member reference group and that business cases with associated outcomes, risks and budgetary implications be subsequently developed and reported to the member reference group; and


(6)that it be noted that departments are preparing efficiency plans that may require significant investment in infrastructure, particularly IT, and that a “spend to save” fund be considered as part of  the 2006/07 budget process.







Councillor Mugglestone submits a report seeking Cabinet’s approval to adopt three criteria to determine the Council’s future financial support to festivals and events and to agree to the further development of the Strategy following consultation. The Cabinet is asked to; confirm its support for the criteria for supporting festivals and events as detailed in the report; note the impact of applying this criteria and give support for second stage consultation with those festivals and events organisers who could have their funding withdrawn or frozen at current levels; receive a further report in December detailing the final version of the strategy and to note that the budget to support the strategy will be considered as part of Council’s 2006/7 Budget Strategy.


Councillor Mugglestone submitted a report seeking Cabinet’s approval to adopt 3 criteria to determine the Council’s future financial support to festivals and events and to agree to the further development of the Strategy following consultation.



(1) that the criteria for supporting festivals and events, as set out below, be confirmed:


a) Help community cohesion and empowerment by bringing people together to share common interests


b) Demonstrate economic benefit to the city through     job creation and visitor spend


c) Demonstrate innovation, quality and creativity to raise the profile of the city and improve satisfaction among residents.


(2) that the impact of applying the agreed criteria on existing festivals and events, as set out in the Annex to the report (2.6 – 2.12) be noted and the 2nd stage consultation with those festivals and events organisers who could have their funding withdrawn or frozen at current levels, be supported;


(3)            that a further report be received in December, including the final version of the Strategy informed by the results of the initial consultation, a proposed programme of festivals and events, a detailed action plan and the results of the 2nd stage consultation; and


(4) that it be noted that the budget to support the Strategy will be considered as part of the Council’s 2006/7 Budget Strategy.




The Chair accepted onto the agenda an item of Urgent Business, ‘Sale of Land at Bursom’. The reason for urgency was in order to meet the timescales for relocating two companies from the Shires extension area by March 2006, these relocations being on the critical path to keep the Shires scheme on programme.


It was recommended that the report be considered on in private on the grounds that it contained exempt information as defined by the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985.





                        that the press and public be excluded during consideration of the following report in accordance with the provisions of Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended, because it involves the likely disclosure of 'exempt' information, as defined in the Paragraph detailed below of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act. 


Paragraph 9


Any terms proposed or to be proposed by or to the authority in the course of negotiations for a contract for the acquisition or disposal of property or the supply of goods or services.




Councillor Coley  submitted a report.



(1)that the amendment of the terms of sale to EP of the site, indicated edged black on the attached plan, by exclusion of the route of the road indicated hatched black and the inclusion of a condition that the Council procure the construction of the road and services with full cost indemnity from EP, be approved;


(2)that the sale of the site to EP for the sum detailed in the report  be approved;


(3)that an increase in the Capital Programme, as detailed in the report, for the construction of the access road at Bursom Business Park and related professional fees to be funded by a payment by EP be approved;


(4)that an increase in the capital Programme, as detailed in the report, to bring Hoods Close to an adoptable standard, to be funded by earmarking this sum from the capital receipt from the sale of land at Bursom be approved;


 (5)that the Town Clerk be authorised, in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer and the Cabinet Lead for Resources to approve any increase in the cost of the access road at Bursom Business park subject to any additional costs being funded by EP;


(6)that Contract Procedure Rules 5, 7 and 8 be waived to enable the appointment of the consultants as detailed in the report and Contract Procedure Rules 6, 7 and 8 be waived to enable the appointment of the road construction contractor, as detailed in the report;


(7)that the Town Clerk be authorised, subject to the Head of Legal Services being satisfied, to:-


approve terms for the road construction contract with the contractor detailed in the report




approve terms for the appointment of the consultants as detailed in the report.


(8)that the Head of Legal Services be authorised to enter into resulting documentation ; and


(9)that under the provisions of Cabinet Procedure Rule 12 d no call in of the decision be allowed as the matter is considered urgent in order to meet the timescales of the Shires redevelopment scheme.




The meeting ended at 6.42 pm.