Decision Maker: City Mayor (Individual Decision)
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To show the position of the capital programme for 2020/21 as at the end of Period 3.
To Note the following savings:
1. £7.1m for New School Places Policy Provision, see Appendix E, para 1.3.
2. £750k for Leicester Flood Strategy, see Appendix B, para 3.3. This was fully funded by corporate resources and will now be available for the future capital programme.
3. £200k for Community & Environmental Works, see Appendix B, para 3.19. This was fully funded by the Housing Revenue Account.
To Approve the following transfers:
1. £1,639k of budgets from various schemes to energy reduction works at Aylestone Leisure Centre, as detailed at Appendix A, Public Health, para 2.3.
2. £800k of budget from Council Housing Boiler Replacements to Council Housing External Property Works, as detailed at Appendix B, para 3.18.
3. £252k of budgets from various schemes to fund the installation of solar panels at Leycroft Road, as detailed at Appendix A, Estates and Building Services, para 2.4.
4. £200k of budget from various HRA project underspends to the Goscote House demolition, as detailed at Appendix A, Housing, para 2.2.
To Approve the following additions:
5. £840k towards the improvement of Saffron Brook, to be funded by government grant and £40k of match funding from the Leicester Flood Strategy, see Appendix A, para 2.4.
6. £672k for Bus Engine Retrofitting, funded by DfT grant.
7. £450k to install first time central heating, funded by the Warm Homes Fund.
8. £362k for Highways Maintenance to expand the current programme of works, funded by DfT grant.
9. £350k for Ashton Green, funded by future earmarked Ashton Green capital receipts, Appendix A, Planning, Development & Transportation, para 2.2.
10. £150k for Parks, Plant and Equipment, this is part of the annual programme for machinery replacements and will be funded by prudential borrowing.
11. £120k for Potential Strategic Development Sites Assessment, funded by future earmarked Ashton Green capital receipts, Appendix B, para 3.4.
12. £50k for the Leisure Centre Improvement Programme, to be funded by money set aside for COVID, Appendix A, Public Health, para 2.1
The Executive and Overview Select Committee receive a report on the forecast capital budget position regularly throughout the year (as well as an outturn report at the end of the year). Recommendations arising from this are often included within the report.
Not Applicable
Publication date: 28/09/2021
Date of decision: 06/10/2021
Effective from: 14/10/2021
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