Decision details


Decision Maker: City Mayor (Individual Decision)

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Leicester Market Redevelopment will improve the Market’s performance by creating a modern, high quality retail environment for shoppers and traders.


Approve a £8.93m programme of work to redevelop the Leicester Outdoor Market. This decision  approves a £8.07m addition to the capital programme. £7.3m is to be funded by a release from the Outdoor Market Phase 3 policy provision, along with a £0.67m release from the Highways, Transport & Infrastructure policy provision, and £0.1m from the Shared Prosperity Fund. The remainder of the scheme cost (£0.86m) is to be met from the existing markets capital budget.


Reasons for the decision:

To make significant improvements to the market and tackle the recent decline in its performance by creating a modern, high quality retail environment for shoppers and traders.

Alternative options:

Various options including a light touch approach to refurbishment of the existing structure have been reviewed. However, it is considered that a more substantial change is required to create a new and attractive environment that can safeguard the long term future of the Leicester Market.

Publication date: 10/03/2023

Date of decision: 20/03/2023

Effective from: 28/03/2023

Accompanying Documents: