Decision Maker: Assistant City Mayor - Education, Libraries and Community Centres
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To respond to managing placement sufficiency demands as the SEND Pupil Place Planning model indicates that the demand for Special School places will exceed capacity over the next 10 years.
Agree that up to £210k be added to the capital programme to be funded from ring-fenced high needs grant in order to carry out feasibility studies across a number of special school sites (this may include identifying potential satellite sites also).
Agree that should our DfE Special Free School application be unsuccessful; the Executive will welcome a further report detailing the need for a Special Free School funded by the Council/ Capital budget. This will include proposed costs and viable sites.
To ensure sufficiency of SEND placements in Leicester City.
SEND pupil planning data indicates a significant gap in Special School provision within the city. Without additional developments children will need independent special school placements which are more costly and do not enable pupils to be educated in their local area.
Publication date: 02/06/2023
Date of decision: 02/06/2023
Effective from: 10/06/2023
Accompanying Documents: