Decision details


Decision Maker: City Mayor (Individual Decision)

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


(1)  To approve the closure of Douglas Bader day care centre as detailed in Option 2 of the attached Executive report.



(2)  To note the following recommendations of the Adult Social Care Scrutiny Commission:


(i)            That the City Mayor be asked to note that the Commission supports Option 2 for the future of the Douglas Bader day care centre, this being closure of the service and the provision of support to service users to source alternative provision; and


(ii)           That the Director for Care Services and Commissioning (Adult Social Care) be asked to provide the Commission with regular general updates on how current users of the centre adapt to alternative services.


Reasons for the decision:

Douglas Bader day care centre provides a service for people with a physical disability where the Authority has a statutory duty to provide care and support. 


The numbers of people attending the centre have been declining steadily over the past few years which have resulted in increased unit cost which continues to rise as more people leave. The reasons for people leaving the centre are varied but are mainly due to people exercising choice and control as part of the personalisation agenda.


In addition there have been very few people entering the service and young people with disabilities in transition are very clear that this is not an option they desire.


The closure of the centre is fully supported by Leicester Centre for Integrated Living (LCIL) and the Big Mouth forum, a consultative group of young disabled people.


People affected by the closure will be fully supported through the transition process, this includes service users, their families and staff at the day centre.


Alternative options:

Option 1. Continue with the existing service at Douglas Bader day care centre. This is not a viable option due to the low numbers of people and increasing costs of maintaining the service. 


Option 2. Close the service and support services users to source alternative provision.  This would ensure the provision of suitable stimulating services for individuals and deliver a cost effective solution.


Publication date: 20/02/2014

Date of decision: 28/02/2014

Effective from: 08/03/2014

Accompanying Documents: