Decision details


Decision Maker: City Mayor (Individual Decision)

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To implement decisions consequential to the monitoring the Capital Programme in 2018/19 Period 6.


To consider:-


To approve the following changes to the capital programme:


a)         addition of £303k to the HRA Capital Programme for infrastructure costs at Saffron Velodrome, as detailed Appendix B, Para 1.2

b)         addition of £250k to the City Centre Street Improvements programme to improve the public realm on University Road. To be funded by the University.

c)         addition of £50k, to grant fund replacement of timber doors and windows of historic design on Saviour’s Road.

d)         addition of £176k to the HRA capital programme to fund additional insulation works, as detailed in Appendix B, Para 3.16.

e)         addition of £1.158m to the capital programme to address highways maintenance priorities on both major routes and in neighbourhoods.  This will be funded by additional grant from Government announced in the Chancellor’s October budget.

Alternative options:

Not Applicable.

Publication date: 20/12/2018

Date of decision: 03/01/2019

Effective from: 11/01/2019

Accompanying Documents: