Decision details


Decision Maker: City Mayor (Individual Decision)

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To implement decisions consequential to the monitoring the Capital Programme in 2018/19 Period 9.


To approve the following changes to the capital programme:


a)         addition of £660k for St Mary’s allotments to be funded from S106 payments, to create new play areas, landscaping and habitat creation.

b)         addition of £600k for a new Cash Income Management system to funded from earmarked reserves.

c)         addition of £578k to the Ashton Green scheme, as detailed in

Appendix A, Planning, Development & Transportation, Para 2.3 of the report

d)         addition of £384k for Tower Block Redevelopment as detailed in Appendix A, Housing, Para 2.3 of the report

e)         the budget transfers within Children’s Services and the release of £1,765k from the New School Places policy provision to fund additional project costs as detailed in Appendix A, Children’s Services, Para 2.11 of the report.

f)          addition of £430k for residual BSF works, to be funded from the BSF Landlord Lifecycle Fund, as detailed in Appendix B, Para 3.10 of the report.

g)         addition of £400k for the Haymarket Theatre to be funded from resources set aside for the Economic Action Plan, as detailed in Appendix D, Para 1.2 of the report.


Note: The decision taken did not meet the criteria of a Key Decision and was, therefore, taken as Non-Key decision.

Reasons for the decision:

The Executive and Overview Select Committee receive a report on the forecast capital budget position regularly throughout the year (as well as an outturn report at the end of the year).  Recommendations on additions and transfer are included within the report.

Alternative options:

Not Applicable.

Publication date: 05/04/2019

Date of decision: 05/04/2019

Effective from: 13/04/2019

Accompanying Documents: