Decision details


Decision Maker: Deputy City Mayor - Social Care and Anti-Poverty

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To approve funds to expand the in-house children’s residential home provision.


  1. Approve expansion of our in-house children’s residential home provision by converting existing council properties into two new children’s homes, to accommodate 5 and 6 young people respectively, between the ages of 8 and 17 years.


  1. Approve the part use of the existing department capital policy provision of £6.7m to fund the schemes. This will also be supported by the match funded DfE capital children’s home grant award for £0.5m.

Reasons for the decision:

As part of our delivery of our placement sufficiency strategy, approval is given to expand our in-house children’s residential home provision by a further two homes to care for a further 11 young people in care. This will provide more local homes, with access to local support services, and reduce our reliance on the external market.

Alternative options:

Continue with the current level of in-house residential provision and commissioning of external placements.


Develop one of the proposed new homes.

Publication date: 31/01/2022

Date of decision: 08/02/2022

Effective from: 16/02/2022

Accompanying Documents: