Decision details


Decision Maker: City Mayor (Individual Decision)

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To approve the implementation of projects to deliver the programme including cycle, walking and public realm projects – to be funded through external grant, developer and partner funding alongside funding through the council’s transport and Economic Action Plan funds.


1.    Approve, in principle, the Connecting Leicester Phase 2 programme for 2015/16 commencement, as outlined in the report, and add to the capital programme.


2.    Note the existing approved capital programme funding provisions contributing to this programme of £1.2m from the Highways programme and £1.96m from the 2015/16 Local Growth Fund.


3.    Approve the application of £0.676m of Local Growth Fund Monies expected to be confirmed for 2016/17, to be underwritten from the Economic Action Plan.


4.    Note that the cost of the Mill Lane improvements (estimated at £2m), once confirmed, will be funded by De Montfort University.


5.    Approve the balance of £4.50m from resources set aside for the Economic Action Plan.


6.    Delegate approval for the finalisation of scheme details, including appropriate consultation, and letting of any relevant contracts to the Strategic Director City Development and Neighbourhoods in consultation with the City Mayor.

Reasons for the decision:

To progress phase 2 of Connecting Leicester during 2015/16 to improve connections and remove barriers to cycle and pedestrian movement and enhance the public realm.

Alternative options:

Alternative project options were considered and those identified in the report agreed for the 2015/16 years.

Publication date: 30/07/2015

Date of decision: 07/08/2015

Effective from: 15/08/2015

Accompanying Documents: