Decision Maker: Deputy City Mayor - Culture, Leisure, Sport and Regulatory Services
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To approve the option for managing and operating the Council’s Leisure Centre provision and contributing to the Sports Services Review budget savings
(1) To invest £1.8 million of capital via prudential borrowing over the next three years to improve the health and fitness offer at Evington, Aylestone and Cossington Leisure Centres.
(2) To explore securing external funding to extend Braunstone Leisure Centre’s health and fitness facilities.
(3) To formalise a lease agreement with Sunflowers Nursery for the current space they occupy under the previous licence.
(4) To revise the opening hours of the Council’s swimming pools as part of a coordinated approach to programming the Councils swimming pools.
(5) To provide £400k to replace the air handling in all leisure centres excluding Braunstone Leisure Centre.
The Council needs to deliver a corporate budget strategy that will aim to achieve the necessary corporate savings and efficiencies. The Executive decision and recommendations will contribute to the overall budget savings target. The review is expected to deliver net revenue savings of £1.5million p.a. after three years towards the £2 million p.a. Spending Review target. This comprises £1.32 million savings in leisure centres (£1.45 million gross saving, less £0.13 million prudential borrowing costs).
Publication date: 02/03/2018
Date of decision: 12/03/2018
Effective from: 20/03/2018
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