Issue - meetings


Meeting: 06/12/2022 - Thurncourt Community Meeting (Item 31)


Ward Councillors will provide an update on any ward related matters.


As part of the ward councillors’ feedback, members noted that:

·         Work continueued with local residents around housing related matters and anti-social behaviour (ASB)

·         Safety bollards had been introduced around schools

·         A new crossing had been introduced on Scraptoft Lane following the safety concerns raised after the accident of a young local resident

·         Speed cushions had been introduced on Thurncourt Road, with phase 2 of the scheme proposed to introduce additional speed cushions to the rest of Thurncourt Road.


As part of the discussions with the residents it was noted that concerns with proposed developments would be considered further down the agenda. However, Members were aware of the concerns that were being raised by local residents and suggested that these would be fed back to the right departments.