Issue - meetings

RIVERSIDE BUSINESS AND ENTERPRISE COLLEGE - Update on the next stage of the process.

Meeting: 14/12/2009 - Cabinet - for meetings after 09/05/11, please see 'City Mayor & Cabinet' (Item 132)


Councillor Dempster submits a report that advises Cabinet of representations following the publication of a Statutory Notice and Detailed Proposal to move to close Riverside Business and Enterprise College. Cabinet is advised of the Strategic Director’s responses to these representations.


A minute extract from the meeting of the Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee held on 10 December 2009 will be circulated as soon as it is available.

Additional documents:


Councillor Dempster submitted a report that advised Cabinet of the two Representations received following the publication of a Statutory Notice and Detailed Proposal to move to close Riverside Business and Enterprise College. The report provided officer responses to these Representations and made recommendations about the future of the School.


Councillor Dempster stated that it was not an easy decision to make to close a school; in this instance this decision was not based on exam results but on a collapse in pupil numbers and resulting financial implications. She stated that the results this year were a credit to the school, its staff and students. She highlighted the recommendations within the report, the reasoning behind these and the recommendation that call-in of a decision to close not to be allowed. Councillor Dempster reminded Cabinet that the issues in connection with the recent consultation had already been the subject of full debate at Council on 25 November 2009.


Councillor Coley stated that he agreed that the school was unsustainable in its current form, but that there were concerns about the consultation process; it was felt that the views of those who had responded to the consultation had not been taken into account. He also stated that other schools in West Leicester had been closed and there would be no provision for potential population changes. He stated that more work should have been done to promote and raise the reputation of the School, and to look at why the numbers on roll were low. He referred to a previous report that was prepared in 2007, and stated that the issue should have been addressed at that time.


In response, Cabinet Members stated that school places could not be provided on the base of hypothetical possibilities, and the report in 2007 offered alternatives which would have meant closure of other primary schools and that could have led to further destabilisation in West Leicester. With regard to the consultation it was stated that the DCSF guidance had been followed and a small number of responses were received. Parents had made their preferences known by repeatedly not choosing the School. Any delay to the decision would have an adverse impact on the children at Riverside in terms of securing alternative school places and choosing curriculum options. Efforts had been made by the School to promote itself, but these had not increased the uptake. It was noted that the teaching unions schools and settings panel had agreed that the school was unsustainable in its current form.   Alternative uses of the sites could only be considered following a decision on the future of the School.


Councillor Dempster thanked the staff at the School and the youth service for the work they had done in engaging young people in the consultation process.



1)     that Cabinet, having reviewed the information in the report and appendices, agrees to close Riverside Business and Enterprise College in accordance with the process set out in the Statutory Notice and Detailed Proposal published on  ...  view the full minutes text for item 132