Issue - meetings


Meeting: 21/09/2011 - Beaumont Leys Community Meeting (Item 15)


An update will be given on recent Police developments and successes. There will also be an update on the ‘One Neighbourhood’ survey.


Sergeant Rich Jackson gave an update on Policing issues highlighting the following points:-

-       In nearly all key main crime categories, (burglary, theft, vehicle crime, anti-social behaviour and domestic violence), crime was significantly down on the same period from the previous year.


-       The one issue which remained a problem was drugs. Therefore, the Police Problem Solving Profiles were focussed on this issue. Arrests had been made, with custodial sentences expected. These would be followed up to see if evictions could be made as a result.


-       A significant operation had been undertaken with court officials to deal with non-payment of fines. There had been significant numbers of arrests made and the recovery of large amounts of money.


-       There was a plan for the Police to take a shop unit in the shopping centre over the Christmas period. Last year there was a 50% reduction in crime in the centre as a result.


-       More details on the death of local resident from Tilling Road would be provided at the next meeting.

Comments and questions were made as follows:

-       John Thomson, Housing Area Manager commented on the issue of evictions from Council properties in drugs cases. He noted that the law required there to be a ‘nuisance’. This could easily be argued in court for class A drug offences, but was more difficult to argue lower classes.


-       Kim Thorrington, Youth Worker reported that young people were unsafe on Beaumont Walk as he’d received reports that they were having cigarettes and money extorted from them. Sergeant Jackson agreed to discuss the matter with Kim.


-        A number of comments were raised about drugs:

-       It was noted that it was a key issue for the area.

-       Big scale dealers and users with a problem should be considered differently.

-       Treatment was enacted where users who tested positive when they came into contact with the criminal justice system.

-       People who phoned the Crimestoppers phoneline could be assured of complete confidentiality.

-       It was proposed that there be a main item on the agenda of the next Ward Community Meeting looking at the issue and potential solutions to some of the problems.


-       There was some discussion about the reasons for the reduction in the crime level – it was noted that it was likely to be a result of the movements of criminals in and out of the area, particularly if key criminals were in prison. There were however a number of actions relating to enforcement / diversion and education that the Police and other agencies were taking, which was also undoubtedly having an effect.


-       It was reported that the Beaumont Leys Local Policing Unit now had a new Commander who was Inspector Kev Morris.



Officer Identified


An item to be on the agenda for the next meeting on the drugs issue.

Jerry Connolly

December 2011