Issue - meetings


Meeting: 21/09/2011 - Beaumont Leys Community Meeting (Item 17)


A representative from Waste Management will be present at the meeting to introduce the new Orange Bag recycling scheme.


Sophie Glover from Biffa gave the meeting a short presentation presenting the new orange bag recycling scheme. She noted the following points:-

-       Orange bags were now replacing the existing green box scheme.

-       More recyclable materials could be put in the bags than could be put in the green boxes.

-       A pack would be sent out to residents which would say what could be put in the bags, this would include a fridge magnet for ease of remembering.

-       Green boxes could be retained to store the orange bags in.


Questions were asked on the following matters:-


-       Communal blue bins for flats? Sophie commented that an individual assessment will be done on each block of flats and a bespoke service would be put in place based on the most appropriate approach for the benefit of residents.


-       What couldn’t be put in? foodwaste, broken glass, nappies.


-       What were the details of the trial areas? Recycling had doubled and participation rates increased by 20% in those areas where the scheme was trialled.


-       What happens when you run out of bags? Put a sticker (supplied) on the last bag and new ones will be left.


Sophie also pointed out the importance of ensuring that all recyclable materials were cleaned of food waste to avoid the likelihood of foxes tearing into the bags. She also noted that the ‘ball mill’ separation system would still be used but, by using the orange bags more materials could be successfully recycled.


The Chair thanked Sophie for attending.