Issue - meetings


Meeting: 17/01/2013 - Eyres Monsell Community Meeting (Item 14)


Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


To consider the following applications for grants from the 2012/13 Eyres Monsell Ward community Budget:-


a)    Drop Kerb Scheme - £5,000 – submitted by Ben Manners, Leicester City Council

b)    Free Running - £480 – submitted by Leicester City Council Youth Service

c)    Community Mosaic Project - £285 – submitted by Catch 22


The Chair explained that the following funding applications had been received and considered by the Ward Councillors.


Proposal: Drop Kerb Scheme

Submitted by: Eyres Monsell Housing Officer, Ben Manners

Amount requested: £5000



                        that the funding application be supported to the value of £5000.


Proposal: Free Running

Submitted by: Steve Joseph

Amount requested: £480



                        that the funding application be supported to the value of £480


Proposal: Community Mosaic Project at Her Ladyship Covert

Submitted by: Catch 22, Bina Patalia

Amount requested: £285



                        that the funding application be supported to the value of £285.


The meeting heard that after the above three applications had been supported, there was a balance of £6895 in the Eyres Monsell community meeting budget.


The Chair explained that the deadline for submission of the final budget applications for the financial year was 28 February 2013. A community meeting purely to consider any budget applications would be arranged approximately 10 days after that deadline.

Meeting: 17/10/2012 - Eyres Monsell Community Meeting (Item 6)


Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


To consider the following applications for grants from the 2012/13 Eyres Monsell Ward community Budget:-


a)    Luncheon Club Refit - £1,426 – submitted by Saffron Support for Elderly People

b)    Pink Lizard Developing Youth - £3,225 – submitted by Pink Lizard Cohesion Project

c)    Installation of Traffic Bollards - £500 – submitted by Rolleston Primary School

d)    Family Exercise to Music sessions - £480 – submitted by Vicky Hudson

e)    Providing Arts to Eyres Monsell - £500 – submitted by Monsell Arts Group

f)     Social Stimulation and Visual Awareness - £500 – submitted by St Christopher’s Friendship Group

g)    Eyres Monsell Community Garden - £500 – submitted by Groundwork Leicester and Leicestershire

h)   Gardening / Orchard Scheme - £500 – submitted by Steve Jones

i)     Saffron Neighbourhood Celebration Event - £200 – Submitted by Saffron Neighbourhood Management Board on behalf of the event steering group (joint bid with Freemen Ward – total bid £700)

j)     Picnic on the Park (Family fun Day) - £500 – submitted by Wayne Natzel and Eyres Monsell Events Committee


Application 1

Pink Lizard Cohesion Project – Pink Lizard Developing Youth - £3,225


The meeting was informed the application had been presented before, and discussions had taken place with the organisation. It was agreed to support the application on the basis of match funding to contributions made from Evington and Freemen Wards funding.



that the application be supported to the value of £750.00.


Application 2

Rolleston Primary School – Installation of Traffic Bollards - £500


Road safety was considered to be a big priority, and it was noted that Transport budget was under pressure. The meeting was informed that other wards has funded schemes of a similar nature.



that the application be supported to the value of £500.00.


Application 3

Vicky Hudson – Family Exercise to Music Session - £480


It was noted that participants were from Eyres Monsell Ward, but was on the geographic boundary of other wards. It was suggested that 50% of the finding be supported up front, and that a review of the attendance logs was made after three events to establish the attendees home location, and the situation reviewed.



that 50% of the funding be supported to the value of £240, and attendance at the session be reviewed.


Application 4

Monsell Arts Group – Providing Arts to Eyres Monsell - £500


The amount requested was a contribution to the total cost. Councillors stated the project was a good opportunity for the community but requested a written report be provided by the group to Councillors on the project.



that the application be supported to the value of £500.00.


Application 5

St. Christopher’s Friendship Group – Social Stimulation and Visual Awareness - £500


It was noted that the group operated on the border of the Ward, but agreed it was a well-attended group that had operated for 20-plus years. The Councillors agreed to support the funding application but requested that an application be presented in the future to Freemen Ward Community Meeting funding.



that the application be supported to the value of £500.00, but a future funding application be presented to Freemen Ward.


Application 6

Groundwork Leicester and Leicestershire – Eyres Monsell Community Garden - £500


Councillors discussed the detailed application and agreed that Groundwork Leicester and Leicestershire was a well-recognised organisation. They noted that the funding application was a small percentage of the overall funding.



that the application be supported to the value of £500.00.


Application 7

Steve Jones – Gardening / Orchard Scheme - £500


Councillors noted that the funding application was one of two submitted by Rolleston Primary School, and that the PTA should consider fundraising for projects.



that the application be supported to the value of £500.00.


Application 8

Saffron Neighbourhood Management Board on behalf of the event steering group – Saffron Neighbourhood Celebration Event - £200 (joint bid with Freemen Ward – total bid £700)


Councillors discussed and agreed to fund the application.



that the application be supported to the value of £200.00.


Application  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6