Issue - meetings


Meeting: 13/06/2013 - Adult Social Care Scrutiny Commission (Item 11)


A copy of the City Mayor’s Delivery Plan 2013/2014 is attached. The attention of the Scrutiny Commission will be drawn to the relevant sections of the Plan and of how these areas link with the Health and Wellbeing Strategy.


A copy of an annotated version of the Plan is appended for Members of the Scrutiny Commission only.


The Scrutiny Commission received the City mayor’s Delivery Plan 2013/14 for consideration and comment on the areas of the Plan within their remit.


The Scrutiny Commission considered the report and made the following comments: -


Page 7 – 6th paragraph

The Scrutiny Commission suggested the removal of reference to ‘independent living’ and replace with ‘dignified living with a measure of control’.


Page 10 – A thriving City Centre

The Scrutiny Commission questioned what facilities were included for older and disabled people.


Page 11 – A confident City

Questioned whether there were any events targeted at older people.


The Scrutiny Commission were informed that each City Council department needed to identify how they were to better target their services for older people and share this information with partners.


Page 14 – Improving Access and quality of public transport

The Scrutiny Commission questioned whether there should be a separate target for ‘services for older people’.


‘Real Time’ bus information needs to be accessible by disabled persons.


A number of issues had been raised by elderly persons following the recent moving of bus stops in the City Centre resulting in some elderly persons having walk a lot further to catch their buses.

Agreed to raise with Economic Development, Transport and Tourism Scrutiny Commission.


Page 15 – Improving the quality of car parking in the city centre and neighbourhoods

The Scrutiny Commission expressed concerns over the lack of disabled parking spaces in certain areas of the City Centre with suggestion that this provision is looked at as part of the review


Page 16 – Casualties from road traffic accidents/number of people killed or seriously injured

The Scrutiny Commission questioned how many of these people were older people, younger people etc.


Page 25 – Summary of Priorities – Care Services

The Scrutiny Commission were informed that this was a joint piece of work with the Health and Wellbeing Board around health care services for elderly persons


Page 27 – Number of people referred to the exercise scheme

The Scrutiny Commission questioned how many older people were referred to the scheme


Page 31 – Ensuring people are provided with opportunities to mainytain their independence/Ensuring that people have access to quality services of their choice

The Scrutiny Commission were informed that the Council were looking at Personal Budgets and Home Living scheme


Page 35 – Social Care and Homelessness

The Scrutiny Commission were informed that there was a need to differentiate between personal Budgets and Direct Payments that were not included within the Delivery Plan.


When referring to carers in the Plan this related to informal carers, there was a need to make this clearer.


Page 42- targeted learning support for residents new to computers will continue at Central Lending Library

The Scrutiny Commission questioned why this service was only available at the Central Lending Library and why not other libraries across the City.


Page 43 – Welfare Reform

The Scrutiny Commission expressed a view that this should also relate to older people


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