Issue - meetings


Meeting: 03/06/2014 - Rushey Mead Community Meeting (Item 3)


The minutes of the previous meeting held on 6 March 2014 are attached and Members are asked to confirm them as a correct record.  


A resident asked the meeting to note that at the previous meeting on 9 January 2014 she had mentioned that she had written to the City Mayor to request school approach signs to be erected on Woodbridge Road. There had been no signs for 40 years, but four months after she had written to the City Mayor, he had agreed that the signs would be erected although this work had not yet been carried out. 


Subject to this addition, the minutes of the previous meeting were agreed.


The resident subsequently spoke to Rachel Webster (LCC Property) and asked the meeting to note that Rachel had commented that  that it would be necessary to look at the school approach signs again because the council did not wish to encourage people to use the Clarke Street entrance as the main entrance was on Checketts Road.


Rachel Webster then addressed the meeting in response to the concerns previously expressed regarding parking on Clarke Street for Mellor Primary School, the meeting was asked to note:


·         a meeting had been held on site. An action plan had been drawn up and there would be an assessment


·         the school were continuing to take measures to tackle the parking issues on Clarke Street.


·         A residents’ parking scheme would not be appropriate because the necessary criteria could not be met.


·         Officers were seeking the correct solution to resolve the problem;  single or double yellow lines might be appropriate.


A resident suggested that raised kerbs with studs would prevent people parking on pavements because they would not wish to risk damaging their vehicle’s suspension.  The Chair suggested that the most effective measures would be to educate the parents.


The meeting to note that the issue was still being actioned. The resident who had raised the concerns was asked to contact Rachel or the Community Engagement Officer if she required further information.

Meeting: 19/03/2014 - Freemen Community Meeting (Item 40)

40 ACTION LOG pdf icon PDF 67 KB

The Action Log of the last meeting held on 20th November 2013, is attached and Members are asked to confirm it as a correct record.   Any update on actions taken since the last meeting will be reported at the meeting.