Issue - meetings


Meeting: 03/06/2014 - Rushey Mead Community Meeting (Item 7)



The following queries and comments were raised:


Jesse Jackson Park


In response to a query from an attendee, the meeting was asked to note that the Jesse Jackson Park on Troon Way was not new, but it had been renamed.


Gypsies on Watermead Way.


It was noted that the Gypsies who had encamped on Watermead Way had moved away but some rubble had been left; The Chair advised that matters to do with the travellers were being dealt with. The Chair also explained that the council could not move the Gypsies and Travellers on, unless they had a proper site for the travellers to go to.


Woodbridge Road


A problem with surface water on Woodbridge Road near to Payne Street was reported.  The Chair asked for the gullies to be checked and also for some parking enforcement to be carried out if possible as there were parking problems there, including pavement parking.


Essex Road


A resident reported parking problems, including parking on the double yellow lines by the T Junction on Essex Road.


Action: the Neighbourhood Development Manager / Community Engagement Officer to investigate the concerns raised by attendees.

Meeting: 19/03/2014 - Freemen Community Meeting (Item 47)