Issue - meetings


Meeting: 05/09/2013 - Adult Social Care Scrutiny Commission (Item 32)



Councillor Moore introduced the item and made reference to the previous meetings of the Scrutiny Commission that had discussed this area of work, and had been held on 1st July and 11TH July 2013. Responses by officers to the questions raised by members had been circulated and an opportunity had been given for Members to seek further information from officers on the responses given.


Councillor Moore stated that there was now a need to draw this review by the Scrutiny Commission to a conclusion so that a report could be prepared, setting out the conclusions reached, for consideration by the Executive.


Member’s attention was drawn to the Responses report circulated and to an additional sheet ‘Elderly Persons Homes – Financial Implications’ that had been drawn up by the Chair and had been tabled at the meeting.


Capital Expenditure


Current Funding is:

Funding already approved                                                                         £3.0m

Sale of EPH Sites (Preston, Herrick, Elizabeth, Nuffield)                    £1.41m

Sale of Brookside                                                                                        £0.4m

NHS Funding                                                                                               £1.23m

Total Current Capital Funding                                                                £6.04m


(Table drawn up at the request of the Chair)




Funding to be found

Option A

1 Intermediate Care Facility. New Build and Fixtures and Fittings. No EPHs or Brookside (30 intermediate care and 30 respite beds)



Option B

4 Converted EPHs to provide intermediate care and residential care.  Sell Brookside. (60 intermediate care and 72 residential beds)



Option C

3 Re-build EPHs to provide intermediate care. Sell Brookside. (60 intermediate care beds)





Revenue Expenditure (table provided by officers)




Saving against current cost

‘Do Nothing’

Current Costs

8 EPHs + Brookside



Option A

1 Intermediate Care Facility.  No EPHs or Brookside.



Option B

4 Converted EPHs to provide intermediate care and residential care.  Sell/dispose 4 EPHs and Brookside.



Option C

4 Converted EPHs to provide intermediate care and residential care.  Retain 4 EPHs and dispose of Brookside.




Councillor Moore stated that, in relation to provision of intermediate and residential care, she had visited one of the homes referred to in the proposals and had come away with the impression that there were no conflicts regarding the provision of these two areas of care within one facility.


Members had an opportunity to question and comment on the options reported as follows: -


Councillor Alfonso – concerns that funding not in place to retain or re-furbish existing homes, funding would likely be sourced from elsewhere within the City Council therefore affecting other services. Therefore she could see no other option than Option A.


Councillor Joshi – having looked at all options reported and having taken into consideration all the information available Option A – 1 Intermediate Care Facility, No EPHs or Brookside (Revenue Expenditure Table). Noted that moving people with care was important.


Councillor Willmott – Not here to make a decision. The City Council is in business to provide public services. Clearly been failure to invest properly to ensure retention of this service,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 32