Issue - meetings


Meeting: 10/10/2013 - Adult Social Care Scrutiny Commission (Item 41)


The Director of Corporate Governance to report on the receipt or any questions, representations or statements of case.


The Scrutiny Commission are asked to note that the following question has been received from Cynthia Mackay, a resident of Stoneygate Ward, in the following terms: -


Elderly Persons Alarms

“As reported there are 55 people in Stoneygate Ward affected by the loss of funding for elderly people alarm bells. Can scrutiny tell me what plans will be in place to support these people if the funding goes. There obviously must be a plan otherwise vulnerable people may be left to die if they have a fall or anything else and left to die.”


A question had been put to the Scrutiny Commission by Cynthia Mackay, a resident of Stoneygate Ward, in the following terms: -


Elderly Persons Alarms

“As reported there are 55 people in Stoneygate Ward affected by the loss of funding for elderly people alarm bells. Can scrutiny tell me what plans will be in place to support these people if the funding goes. There obviously must be a plan otherwise vulnerable people may be left to die if they have a fall or anything else and left to die.”


In response the Director for Care Services and Commissioning (Adult Social Care) and the Assistant City Mayor, Adult Social Care explained that this related to people who lived in Housing Association properties who had their alarms subsidised by the Council. Cuts in external funding had resulted in a reduction in the Adult and Social Care budget and the proposal was a result of those budget cuts.


The current situation meant that the Council were subsidising the Housing Association as social landlords.  Officers were in discussions with the Housing Association about the issue as it was understood that the Association charged a service charge and it was queried as to whether this fee included an element to cover the alarm bells. 


Members queried that if the Housing Association could not help, whether there were any other grants available or whether a community meeting budget might be able to help.  Assistant City Mayor Patel said that it was understood that this approach was causing concern and stated that a consultation was on-going and officers would be talking to focus groups and individuals about the process. 


The Chair asked the Director to send a written response to the resident who had submitted the question as she was unable to be present at the meeting.



                        That the questions and responses be noted.