Issue - meetings


Meeting: 10/10/2013 - Adult Social Care Scrutiny Commission (Item 42)


The Scrutiny Commission to receive a verbal update on Elderly Persons Homes proposals and that attention is also drawn to Minute 32 of the minutes of the meeting of the Adult Social Care Scrutiny Commission held on 5th September, copy attached (Appendix A).


The Scrutiny Commission received a verbal update on the Elderly Persons Homes proposals. Attention was also drawn to minute 32 of the minutes of the previous meeting which had been attached to the agenda.  It was noted that the intention to take the decision had been recently published with the decision due to be published on 15 October 2013.


Members considered the timetable for the decision and questioned the wording of the response to the petition put at Council and emphasised the need to keep those affected informed and ensure full support is provided.  Concerns were expressed in relation to the timescale for the introduction of Intermediate Care facilities. The suggestion regarding the creation of a Commission for Older People was noted.



1.    That it be requested that information be brought to the next meeting regarding the direction of travel and timescales for the 60 bed intermediate care facility; and


2.    That it be requested that the Scrutiny Commission be kept up to date with the progress of proposals to set up a Adult Social Commission for vulnerable People.