Issue - meetings


Meeting: 10/10/2013 - Adult Social Care Scrutiny Commission (Item 46)


The Scrutiny Commission to be notified of those current consultations that were either planned, or underway, and that were within the remit of the Scrutiny Commission.


Consultations were currently on-going regarding:


·         Stopping the council’s current Mobile Meals service and helping people to prepare or obtain meals in alternative and more flexible ways.


Consultation due to close on 7 October.


It was stated that it was hoped to bring a report to the Scrutiny Commission at the meeting scheduled for November.


·         Proposed changes to the Housing Related Support services.


Consultation due to close on 20 November.


It was stated that it was hoped to bring a report to the Scrutiny Commission at the meeting scheduled for January 2014.


·         Douglas Bader Day Centre.  Considered earlier in the meeting (minute no. refers).


The consultation was due to run from 17 Sep 2013 to 16 Dec 2013.

It was stated that it was hoped to bring a report to the Scrutiny Commission at the meeting scheduled for January 2014.



It was noted that it was intended to undertake consultation regarding preventative services with the voluntary sector.  It was anticipated that this consultation would commence in November with a report brought back to the Scrutiny Commission in March or April 2014.



                  That the update on consultations be noted.