Issue - meetings


Meeting: 13/08/2015 - Neighbourhood Services and Community Involvement Scrutiny Commission (to May 2019) (Item 2)


Members are asked to declare any interests they may have in the business to be discussed.



Although not a member of the Commission, Councillor Sood, Assistant City Mayor with responsibility for Communities and Equalities, declared an Other Disclosable Interest in the general business of the meeting, in that she was Chair of the Leicester Council of Faiths.


In accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct, this interest was not considered so significant that it was likely to prejudice Councillor Sood’s judgement of the public interest.  She was not, therefore, required to withdraw from the meeting.

Meeting: 22/07/2015 - Children, Young People and Schools Scrutiny Commission (up to 28th April 2021) (Item 2)


Members are asked to declare any interests they may have in the business to be discussed.



Councillor Dr Moore declared an Other Disclosable Interest in the general business of the meeting, as her company was teaching two Looked After Children.


Councillor Malik declared an Other Disclosable Interest in the general business of the meeting, as he was the Chief Executive of a youth and community association.  This association received no funding from the Council, but offered services used by the Council.


Councillor Cole declared an Other Disclosable Interest in the general business of the meeting, in that he taught at De Montfort University.  He also declared an Other Disclosable Interest in the general business of the meeting, as his wife worked as a teacher.  He further declared an Other Disclosable Interest in the general business of the meeting, in that he was the Chair of a school governing body.


Councillor Aldred declared an Other Disclosable Interest in the general business of the meeting, in that she was a volunteer at the Thurncourt Road Youth and Community Centre and helped with youth groups there.


Although not a member of the Commission, as a regular participant Councillor Russell declared an Other Disclosable Interest in the general business of the meeting, in that she was the Chair of Governors at King Richard Infant School.


In accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct, these interests were not considered so significant that they were likely to prejudice the respective Councillors’ judgement of the public interest.  They were not, therefore, required to withdraw from the meeting.