Issue - meetings


Meeting: 06/08/2015 - Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny Commission (Item 8)


The Monitoring Officer to report on the receipt of any questions, representations and statements of case submitted in accordance with the Council’s procedures.


The Monitoring Officer reported that no questions, representations and statements of case had been submitted in accordance with the Council’s procedures.


Mr G Whittle, Campaign Against NHS Privatisation requested to submit questions to the meeting.  The Chair exercised her discretion and agreed to accept the questions and indicated that responses to them would be sent to Mr Whittle at a later date.


Mr Whittle asked the following questions:-


  1. What approach is this committee taking for scrutiny of the Better Care Together (BCT) Plan for reorganising Health Services in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland?  Specifically, what budget has been allocated for this scrutiny.  Will independent expert witnesses be appointed and will members of the public be invited to submit evidence to your investigation?


  1. The Trust Development Authority (TDA) has rejected applications for funding to backfill posts that are vacant due to secondments to the BCT Programme, and TDA has refused funding for ‘double running’ of existing and new services during periods of transition; requiring the BCT project to revisit its business model and financial plans and deliver further financial savings.  Has this committee requested details of the revised BCT business case and financial plans?  When will this committee examine the impact of these new financial restrictions on the BCT Plan and report their findings?


  1.  What information has the H&WSC obtained about numbers and timescales of hospital bed closures in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland?  (Note: UHL have given undertakings to put this information in the public domain).


  1. What is the H&WSC’s role in monitoring the management of risk for the BCT Programme?   Has the H&WSC raised any concerns over workforce problems, the lack of complete data on workforce skills and the current absence of a workforce strategy and the risks they pose to BCT and the high quality care of patients?