The local City Warden will be present to provide an update on any environmental works in the Ward.
Jethro Swift – City Warden provided an update on local environmental issues:
· A patch walk had been held on Larch Street to address issues such as anti-social behaviour and litter. This was attended by Jethro, Councillors and a number of partners including Asra Housing and the Police.
· Cars for sale in Tithe Street – the cars were no longer there. Unfortunately, North Evington was one of the worst wards in the city for this particular problem.
· Fly tipping - Fernie Road was one of the main roads for fly tipping. CCTV cameras were due to be installed and it was hoped that they would catch an image of the culprits.
· Many residents in North Evington did not speak English, which made it difficult to educate them on such environmental issues.
The following concerns were raised:
· Pan spitting – this was a particular problem on Green Lane Road and Belgrave Road. Culprits when caught could be fined, but it was difficult to catch them in the act of spitting.
· Fly tipping on St Saviours Road.
· People feeding pigeons on St Saviours Road - particularly problematic by a bench where people sat.
· The feeding of pigeons and littering was a problem around the greenery in the middle of the Charnwood Estate. A request was made for CCTV cameras to be installed there.
The local City Warden will be present to provide an update on any environmental works in the Ward.
Jethro Swift – City Warden informed the meeting that the North Evington Ward had been noted as the most affected Ward in the City for fly tipping.
Residents concerns:
· Two bins near Dunlin Road on Charnwood Estate were reported to be present again, full of rubbish and not being emptied. The City Warden was aware of this situation and had been dealing with this.
· Sparrow Park – drinkers and people from the betting shop. Jethro informed the meeting that a meeting had been held on Sparrow Park and the various issues had been noted, however a lot of the concerns were noted to be in the remit of the Community Safety and Parks Teams.
· It was requested whether a workshop could be held providing advice on fly tipping or awareness sessions in a few locations. Jethro noted that the team were unable to carry out education sessions but could carry out enforcement and patrols.
· Harewood Street – bird seed was being distributed.
· It was requested for stronger enforcement in the Ward during festive seasons/ activities.
· Charnwood Estate – reported to be very untidy and had a lot of rubbish/ litter concerns. Some residents had dug up the rose trees and used kitchen appliances to form a border.
· Dunlin Road – noted as an issue for several concerns including litter.
· Willowbrook Road – dog fouling. It was requested that stencils be sprayed. The City Warden was aware of this and would get this implemented as soon as possible.