Councillors are reminded that under the Council’s Code of Conduct they should declare any interest they may have in budget applications.
An update on the Community Ward Budget will be provided at the meeting.
Laura Burt, the Community Engagement Officer gave an update on the North Evington Ward Community Budget. There was an opening balance at the start of the year of £18544, which included £544 carried forward from the previous year.
The following budget applications had been approved:
· Memon Youth Association for the Memon Festival 2017– (joint funding application to North Evington, Spinney Hills and Wycliffe Wards). £750 requested from North Evington and £500 agreed.
· Northfield Bowls Club for a day trip to Scarborough. £500 requested and agreed.
· Mr Rasik V Patel for Participants in Raas Garba Event 2017 (joint funding application to North Evington, Spinney Hills and Wycliffe Wards): £499 requested from North Evington and agreed.
· St Barnabas and Hamilton Libraries to subsidise tickets for a dance performance at the libraries (joint funding application to North Evington and Humberstone and Hamilton Wards). £106 requested from North Evington and agreed.
Taking into account the above funding applications, a balance remained of £16939.
Councillors are reminded that under the Council’s Code of Conduct they should declare any interest they may have in budget applications.
An update on the Community Ward Budget will be provided at the meeting.
Laura Burt – WCEO, gave an update on the North Evington Ward Community Budget. It was noted that £544.41 would be carried over to next year’s budget (2017/18). The budget summary for applications received since the previous meeting has been attached at the end of this action log.
The online application link was noted as follows: and would be open for 2017/18 ward funding from 5 April 2017.
If anyone required assistance with a ward budget application, it was advised to contact Laura Burt (Ward Community Engagement Officer) on 0116 454 1940 or email
Evington in Bloom:
· Helen Pettman was present at the meeting on behalf of applicants Evington in Bloom and gave an update on the application in support of creating community allotments at Rowlatts Hill.
· Councillor Khote requested information on the community allotments to be displayed in St Barnabas library in order to welcome North Evington residents.