The Director of Public Health submits a report that presents a final proposal for a new model of delivery for lifestyle services in Leicester City. Scrutiny Commission members are asked to note the recommended new model and feedback comments on the proposed model to the Executive.
Members of the Heritage, Culture, Leisure and Sport Scrutiny Commission have received an invitation to attend and participate in the consideration of this item.
Additional documents:
The Director of Public Health submitted a report that presented a final proposal for a new model of delivery for lifestyle services in Leicester City. Jo Atkinson, Consultant in Public Health delivered a power point presentation on the final proposals, a copy of which is attached to the back of these minutes.
The Chair thanked officers for the report stating that the information presented was more detailed than in the previous report and it provided better understanding. The Equality Impact Assessment was also much improved.
Members considered the report and during the ensuing discussion, a number of points were made including the following:
· Councillor Cleaver expressed a little disappointment that the review did not promote gardening in general or include information about the initiatives taking place in Eyres Monsell and the Featherstone Orchard which promoted gardening and healthy eating with the added benefit of saving money.
· A suggestion was made that funding could be sought from the Lottery or Ward Community Budget to help those people who would have to pay for support to promote a healthy lifestyle after their initial 12- week (free) period had lapsed.
· Reference was made to conversations with people currently volunteering who were concerned about a lack of support. It was acknowledged that volunteering could be exhausting. The consultant acknowledged that volunteering was an on-going issue and that consideration was being given to appointing a Volunteer Co-ordinator, which would be a paid position to train and support volunteers. They were aware that in some areas of Leicester, it was very difficult to recruit volunteers.
· Concerns were expressed that there was too much reliance on volunteers and the Deputy City Mayor responded that volunteering was an element of the new model. However, if it was not possible to recruit the volunteers the programme would continue.
· The meeting heard that there were 16 volunteers leading walks and it was hoped to increase this to 25. It was also hoped to recruit volunteers to help people access gyms.
· Reference was made to walking groups led by volunteers and a concern was raised as to how those walking groups and services would be delivered in areas where there were busy roads or no accessible or convenient areas to walk. A Member stressed the need to give consideration as to how to help people safely get to those parks or suitable areas.
· In response to a question about staffing and volunteers, the meeting heard that consultations had taken place with the unions, staff, service users and focus groups. The Director of Public Health added that volunteers were not a substitute for paid staff, but would help to expand what was being delivered.
· In response to a question relating to the proposed savings targets, Councillor Clarke, the Deputy City Mayor with responsibility for Environment, Public Health and Health Integration stated that they were as confident as they could be that the savings target could be achieved without compromising health.
· The Deputy City Mayor was asked whether the Information Technology staff in ... view the full minutes text for item 22