Issue - meetings


Meeting: 02/09/2019 - Eyres Monsell Community Meeting (Item 22)


Your Ward Councillors will report on things they have been involved in within the ward and there will be an opportunity to ask questions.


Ward Councillors were invited to feedback on ward issues and activities:


·         Music for Rolleston School with the area music teacher had been arranged.

·         Breakfast clubs held on Tuesdays and Thursdays over the school holidays had been really successful, with a lot of families in need attending.

·         MPs had been written to regarding the tv licences for over 75s. It was hoped to have someone in attendance to talk about pension credits, as approximately £32million was not applied for every year. If people qualified for pension credits tv licences are free.

·         Twice a month Councillors’ surgeries were held at the community centre, and on the 2nd Saturday of each month at Pork Pie Library.

·         The Post Office was burgled at the Exchange and the safe towards the end of June. The Post Office was due to reopen, but the building was then burnt down and demolished. Councillors were trying to meet with the pharmacy to have a temporary post office service in the Doctor’s surgery. The post office would be rebuilt in the Exchange during Phase 2. It was know the elderly found it difficult to get to alternative post offices. Councillors offered lifts for residents who found it difficult to get to the post office.

·         Eyres Monsell Volunteers Awards would be held on Friday 4th October, 6.30pm, Eyres Monsell Club and would be 60s themed. Invitations would be going out over the next week – music, food and some trips were planned.

·         Christmas Event at Eyres Monsell Community Centre, 7th December – Santa had been booked and was open to people in the community. The youth club would run a Christmas café held that day from 3.00 – 7.00pm. Leaflets would be circulated in the community.

Meeting: 30/07/2019 - Eyres Monsell Community Meeting (Item 4.)


Your Ward Councillors will report on things they have been involved in within the ward and there will be an opportunity to ask questions.