To note that the theme of the meeting is Healthy Ageing, one of the five themes within the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy.
The objectives of the theme are to:-
1. Support older people to have good wellbeing and feel safe in their own homes.
2. Support informal carers to continue to care and improve their health and wellbeing.
3. Support older people to utilise and engage with their local communities.
4. Support older people to manage and protect their health and wellbeing.
The Director of Public Health will give a presentation to introduce the theme.
Additional documents:
The Board noted that the theme of the meeting was Healthy Ageing: one of the five themes within the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy.
The objectives of the theme were to:-
1. Support older people to have good wellbeing and feel safe in their own homes.
2. Support informal carers to continue to care and improve their health and wellbeing.
3. Support older people to utilise and engage with their local communities.
4. Support older people to manage and protect their health and wellbeing.
The Director of Public Health gave a presentation to introduce the theme. During the presentation the following points were noted:-
· Although Leicester was a predominately a ‘young’ City, there were 42,000 residents aged 65 years or over and it was projected that by 2027 this number would rise to 52,000.
· Leicester men were expected to live 17 years in poor health, compared to 16 for the average man in England.
· Leicester women were expected to live 23 years in poor health, compared to 19 for the average woman in England.
· It was estimated that 12.7% of Leicester residents aged 65 plus had a common mental health disorder, such as depression.
· About 2,500 Leicester residents aged (approximately 5.5% of residents aged 65 years old plus) were recorded as having dementia.
· Local surveys showed that 12% of those residents aged 65 years plus currently smoked compared to 20% for Leicester residents overall.
· About half of those aged 65 years plus and over were not completing the recommended amount of exercise.
· An Action Plan was being developed as continually evolving document actions already being pursued were:-
o creating ‘dementia friendly’ public spaces;
o working with partners to signpost and refer people to relevant lifestyle services and supporting the NHS to deliver the frailty pathway; and
o encouraging older people to practice self-care and independence.
Some of the presentations to follow were also shaping the Action Plan going forward.
To note that the theme of the meeting is Healthy Ageing, one of the five themes within the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy.
The objectives of the theme are to:-
1. Support older people to have good wellbeing and feel safe in their own homes.
2. Support informal carers to continue to care and improve their health and wellbeing.
3. Support older people to utilise and engage with their local communities.
4. Support older people to manage and protect their health and wellbeing.
The Director of Public Health will give a presentation to introduce the theme.
Additional documents:
The Chair thanked Board members present and those officers who had attended the meeting to make presentations to the Board on a number of aspects in relation to ageing. She commented that whilst the Board was quorate, there was no representation from the Leicester City CCG, Leicester Partnership Trust or GPs and she felt that they had important roles to play in addressing healthy ageing.
The Chair further commented that the Board was not simply an opportunity to share information, but it had an important strategic role to consider what all providers of health services were doing to address issues affecting aspects of health and what else should be done to improve outcomes for citizens relating to the issues considered.
As a number of key stakeholders on the Board were not present or represented at the meeting, the Chair felt that it would not be worthwhile for those present to receive the presentations as they would only need to be repeated to those not present in order for all key partners to discuss the issues raised.
The Chair asked officers to arrange another meeting as a matter of urgency and before the next scheduled meeting of the Board in November to enable the presentations to made all key stakeholders on the Board.
That consideration of the presentations intended for this meeting be deferred until a re-arranged meeting as suggested by the Chair above.