Venue: Meeting Room G.01, Ground Floor, City Hall, 115 Charles Street, Leicester, LE1 1FZ
Contact: Anita Patel Scrutiny Policy Officer, Email: Katie Jordan Democratic Support Officer email
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: The Chair welcomed those present and led introductions.
There were no apologies for absence |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members are asked to declare any interests they may have in the business to be discussed. Minutes: Members were asked to declare any interests they may have had in the business to be discussed.
There were no declarations of interest.
MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING The minutes of the meeting of the Children, Young People, and Education Scrutiny Commission held on 21st March 2023 are attached and Members are asked to confirm them as a correct record. Minutes: AGREED:
1. That the minutes of the meeting of the Children, Young People and Education Scrutiny Commission held on 21 March 2023 be confirmed as a correct record. |
MEMBERSHIP OF THE COMMISSION 2023/24 The Membership of the Commission will be confirmed and noted. Minutes: The Membership of the Commission for 2023/24 was noted. |
DATES OF MEETINGS FOR THE COMMISSION 2023/24 Members will be asked to note the meeting dates of the commission of 2023/24. Minutes: The dates of meetings of the Commission for 2023/24 were noted. |
CHAIR'S ANNOUNCMENTS Minutes: There were no announcements. |
PETITIONS The Monitoring Officer to report on the receipt of any petitions.
The Monitoring Officer informs that a petition has been received as follows:
“We, the undersigned, request Following a city-wide review of funding for special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), Leicester City Council is consulting on a proposal to withdraw the funding provided to Ash Field Academy to support its residential education services.
The withdrawal of this funding is very likely to force Ash Field to close its residential setting. Ash Field does not receive sufficient funding from other sources to maintain the service without it. There are no comparable services offered by any other state[1]funded education setting in the city. This will have a devastating impact on the highly vulnerable pupils who attend, all of whom have complex special educational needs. It will also cause enormous upset and stress for their families and communities, and represent an immeasurable loss to the education landscape in Leicester.
We believe that the withdrawal of this funding is a grave error. We call upon Leicester City Council to reconsider their proposal, and work with Ash Field and its stakeholders to preserve this badly needed service.”
The Monitoring Officer advises that this petition has received 1261 verified signatures. Under the Council’s Petition’s Scheme, the petition has met the requirement for a senior officer to provide evidence at the meeting in relation to this petition. The Lead Petitioner has been asked to introduce their petition, to which a senior officer will respond.
Minutes: The Monitoring Officer reported that a petition has been received from Mr T Barker, on behalf of the Campaign to ask the Council to reconsider withdrawing the funding for its residential setting. The petition was in relation to item 8 of the agenda, Ash Field Academy Residential Provision - Consultation Findings.
The Chair informed those present that the response to the Hands off Ash Field Academy petition submitted at the meeting would be received as part of the substantive item Ash Field Academy Residential Provision - Consultation Findings.. . |
QUESTIONS, REPRESENTATIONS, AND STATEMENTS OF CASE The Monitoring Officer to report on any questions, representations, or statements of case received. Minutes: The Monitoring Officer reported that no questions, representations, or statements of case had been received. |
ASH FIELD ACADEMY RESIDENTIAL PROVISION - CONSULTATION FINDINGS The Strategic Director or Social Care and Education submits a report detailing the findings on the proposed reduction in high needs block funding for Ash Field Academy’s Residential Provision.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chair introduced the item. She asked officers to provide the Commission with as much detail as possible on the consultation findings on withdrawing the £400k funding per annum to Ash Field Academy, from 1 September 2024.
The Chair invited Mr Barker to address the Commission.
Mr Barker had requested to present the petition to the meeting. The petition had 1261 signatures and was in the following form:-
“We, the undersigned, request Following a city-wide review of funding for special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), Leicester City Council is consulting on a proposal to withdraw the funding provided to Ash Field Academy to support its residential education services. The withdrawal of this funding is very likely to force Ash Field to close its residential setting. Ash Field does not receive sufficient funding from other sources to maintain the service without it. There are no comparable services offered by any other state1funded education setting in the city. This will have a devastating impact on the highly vulnerable pupils who attend, all of whom have complex special educational needs. It will also cause enormous upset and stress for their families and communities, and represent an immeasurable loss to the education landscape in Leicester. We believe that the withdrawal of this funding is a grave error. We call upon Leicester City Council to reconsider their proposal, and work with Ash Field and its stakeholders to preserve this badly needed service.” The Monitoring Officer advises that this petition has received 1261 verified signatures. Under the Council’s Petition’s Scheme, the petition has met the requirement for a senior officer to provide evidence at the meeting in relation to this petition. The Lead Petitioner has been asked to introduce their petition, to which a senior officer will respond.”
The Chair allowed Mr Barker 5 minutes to address the Commission.
Members were advised that Scrutiny Procedure Rule 9 (a) (ii) (e) stated that if a petition was presented at the same Committee meeting at which there was a report on the agenda on the same subject, a Councillor may propose that the petition be considered with the report. Otherwise, the petition would be accepted with debate and referred to the Monitoring Officer for consideration and action as appropriate.
RESOLVED: That the petition be received and referred to the Monitoring Officer for consideration and action as appropriate. Leicester City Council have offered to work alongside Ash Field Academy, the offer had been declined at present.
The Strategic Director of Social Care and Education submitted a report providing an overview of the findings of strategic review of residential provision at Ashfield Academy and the associated consultation proposal to cease funding with effect from September 2024
The Director of SEND and Early Help introduced the report. The Consultation had run from 26 September 2022 to 9 January 2023, it was extended by 2 weeks, as requested by the school to give people time to send in their responses. 378 responses had been received through the Councils Portal and further information ... view the full minutes text for item 9. |
The Strategic Director for Social Care and Education will provide a verbal introduction to the commission on Children’s, Young People and Education Services. Additional documents: Minutes: The Strategic Director for Social Care and Education gave a verbal presentation on the portfolio of the Children’s, Young People and Education Services Scrutiny Commission.
The various service Directors presented the following:
Childrens Social Care
Tracie Rees, Send and Early Help
Pauline Killoran, Head of Service, SEND Integrated Service 0-25
Jessica Nicholls, Head of Service for Send Support Service
WORK PROGRAMME Members of the Commission will be asked to consider items for the future work programme. Minutes: Members of the Commission were invited to consider content of the work programme and were invited to make suggestions for additions as appropriate to be brought to future meetings. |
ANY OTHER BUSINESS Minutes: There being no other business, the meeting closed at 8.10pm. |