Venue: Meeting Room G.01, Ground Floor, City Hall, 115 Charles Street, Leicester, LE1 1FZ
Contact: Ed Brown, Senior Governance Officer, email:
No. | Item |
WELCOME AND APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE To issue a welcome to those present, and to confirm if there are any apologies for absence. Minutes: The Chair welcomed those present to the meeting. Apologies were received from Councillor Rae Bhatia. Councillor Chauhan substituted. Apologies were received from Councillor Dr Barton. She would join online. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members are asked to declare any interests they may have in the business to be discussed on the agenda. Minutes: Members were asked to declare any interests they may have had in the business to be discussed.
There were no declarations of interest. |
MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING The minutes of the meeting of the Economic Development, Transport and Climate Emergency Scrutiny Commission held on 18th July 2024 have been circulated, and Members will be asked to confirm them as a correct record. Minutes: It was raised that there had been inaccuracies in minutes from 2023. In the meeting of 27 July 2023, Cllr Batool gave apologies, but this was not noted in the minutes. This was noted by the Commission.
AGREED: 1) That the minutes of the meeting of the Economic Development, Transport and Climate Emergency Scrutiny Commission held on 18 July 2024 be confirmed as a correct record. 2) That the minutes of the meetings on 27 July 2023 approved by the Chair be amended in the above respect to correct an inaccuracy subsequently discovered. |
CHAIR'S ANNOUNCEMENTS The Chair is invited to make any announcements as they see fit. Minutes: The Chair reminded the Commission that the first meeting of the informal scrutiny to consider bus lane operating hours would be on 4th September. Executive members were reminded that the response to the recommendations of the informal scrutiny task group on 20mph zones was still being awaited by the Commission. |
QUESTIONS, REPRESENTATIONS AND STATEMENTS OF CASE Any questions, representations and statements of case submitted in accordance with the Council’s procedures will be reported. Minutes: The Monitoring Officer reported that none had been received. |
PETITIONS Any petitions received in accordance with Council procedures will be reported. Minutes: The Monitoring Officer reported that none had been received. |
MARKET PLACE - QUESTIONS TO CITY MAYOR The City Mayor will be present to answer questions from members of the Commission regarding potential proposals for the Market Place. Minutes: The City Mayor attended the meeting to answer questions from members of the Commission regarding potential proposals for the market place.
The Chair noted that a preferred option was still to be decided upon, and once it was, it would be considered by the Commission.
The City Mayor gave some background on the issue and noted that:
The Commission was invited to ask questions and make comments and the City Mayor to respond. Key points included:
EXAMINING ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING POINTS IN LEICESTER - INFORMAL SCRUTINY The Chair of the task group submits a report examining electric vehicle charging points in Leicester. The Commission will be asked to note the report and support the recommendations set out in paragraph 1.2 Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chair proposed an agenda variance for Examining Electric Vehicle Charging Points in Leicester – Informal Scrutiny was taken next.
The Chair of the task group submitted a report examining electric vehicle charging points in Leicester. The Commission were asked to note the report and support the recommendations set out in paragraph 1.2 of the report.
Key points included:
The Committee were invited to ask questions and make comments. Key points included:
The Chair asked Councillors to agree the recommendations put forward
AGREED: 1) That the report be noted. 2) That comments made by members of this commission to be taken into account by the lead officers. 3) That the report be presented to the Executive and the response from the Executive be brough back to the Commission. |
WORKSPACE DEVELOPMENT The Director of Tourism, Culture and Inward Investment submits a report providing members of the commission with an update on the delivery of new workspaces at Dock 3/4/5, the Ian Marlow Centre and at Pilot House, which have all been part funded by the Levelling Up Fund.
Minutes: The Director of Tourism, Culture and Inward Investment submits a report providing members of the commission with an update on the delivery of new workspaces at Dock 3/4/5, the Ian Marlow Centre and at Pilot House, which have all been part funded by the Levelling Up Fund.
The Director of Tourism, Culture and Inward Investment introduced the report and noted that the strategy responded to a shortage of suitable land and premises and the report was an update on levelling up schemes and investment through this. The programme being delivered was very substantial.
The Head of Economic Regeneration then presented the report. Key points highlighted included:
The City Transport Director submits a report providing members of the Commission with an update on progress of the Rally Park Project. Additional documents: Minutes: The City Transport Director submitted a report providing members of the Commission with an update on progress of the Rally Park Project.
Slides were presented as attached with the agenda pack. Additional points included:
The Commission was invited to ask questions and make comments and the officers to respond. Key points included:
AGREED: That the update be noted. |
AIR QUALITY ACTION PLAN CONSULTATION The City Transport Director submits a report providing details on the proposed new Air Quality Action Plan for Leicester and associated consultation and advising members of the commission of the process by which they may provide comments for the plan. Additional documents: Minutes: The City Transport Director submitted a report providing details on the proposed new Air Quality Action Plan for Leicester and associated consultation and advising members of the commission of the process by which they may provide comments for the plan.
Slides were presented as attached with the agenda pack. Additional points included:
The Commission was invited to ask questions and make comments and the officers to respond. Key points included:
That the update be noted. |
Members of the Commission will be asked to consider the work programme and make suggestions for additional items as it considers necessary. Minutes: It was requested that the report on post-LLEP arrangements include support provided to businesses.
A report on City Centre Improvements could potentially to come to the next meeting. It was requested that this include reasons for the apparent relative success of Fosse Park in comparison to the city centre and lessons that could be learned.
It was requested that an item come to the Commission on the Local Plan once a report had been completed by the inspector.
The work programme was noted. |
ANY OTHER BUSINESS Minutes: There being no other items of urgent business, the meeting closed at 19:38. |