Venue: Meeting Room G.01, City Hall, Charles Street, Leicester, LE1 1FZ
Contact: Scrutiny Policy Officer: Anita Patel, 0116 454 6342, Email: Democratic Support Officer: Jessica Skidmore, Tel: 0116 454 5843, Email:
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: The Chair welcomed those present and led introductions.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Master and Councillor Shelton.
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members are asked to declare any interests they may have in the business to be discussed. Minutes: Members were asked to declare any interests they had in the business to be discussed.
There were no declarations of interest. |
MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING PDF 147 KB The minutes of the meeting of the Heritage, Culture, Leisure and Tourism Scrutiny Commission held on 10 January 2023 are attached and Members are asked to confirm them as a correct record. Minutes: AGREED: That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 10th January 2023 were an accurate record. |
PETITIONS The Monitoring Officer to report on the receipt of any petitions submitted in accordance with the Council’s procedures. Minutes: The Monitoring Officer reported there were no petitions. |
QUESTIONS, REPRESENTATIONS AND STATEMENTS OF CASE The Monitoring Officer to report on the receipt of any questions, representations or statement of case submitted in accordance with the Council’s procedures. Minutes: The Monitoring Officer reported there were no questions, representations or statements of case. |
TASK GROUP SCRUTINY REVIEW - ENCOURAGING WOMEN INTO SPORT AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY PDF 2 MB The Heritage, Culture, Leisure and Tourism Scrutiny Commission submits a report on the findings of the Task Group Review: Encouraging Women Into Sport and Physical Activity. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Heritage, Culture, Leisure and Tourism Scrutiny Commission submitted a report on the findings of the Task Group Review: Encouraging Women Into Sport and Physical Activity.
The Chair and lead of the Task Group introduced the report, summarised the findings and thanked partners, officers and colleagues for their help in the development of the task group review.
Members of the Commission welcomed the report and thanked those involved for their input on the development of the task group review. A Member referred to a similar report of findings in the past 10 years and noted that it may be of interest to compare findings and changes over the years.
Officers Victoria Ball (Sport and Active Recreation Development Manager), Sally Slade (Active Travel Team Leader) and Fiona Dick (Head of Sport, De Montfort University), who were invited by the Chair for their contribution to the task group, welcomed the report and its findings. Fiona Dick highlighted the new campaign launched by Sport England “This Girl Can” and raised concerns about the lack research into women’s safety in open spaces in the review.
Councillor Singh Clair, Deputy City Mayor for Culture, Leisure, Sports and Regulatory Services, thanked those involved in the development of the report and raised hopes that the review would assist and encourage other organisations to support women in sport and physical activity, as well as encourage women to become more active in the community.
2. That while the review did not cover ‘girls’ participation’ in sports and physical activities, research had raised awareness that national data shows: school-age girls were more interested and tended to participate in sports and activities, but then drop out as they get older for various reasons. This topic was to be added to future work programmes for a possible joint Scrutiny meeting alongside Children, Young People and Education Scrutiny Commission. 3. That further investigation be made in the future into women’s safety in open spaces when researching women’s participation in sport and physical activity. 4. That the report be submitted to Overview Select Committee for endorsement, following which, be presented to the City Mayor and Executive Board. 5. That the item remain on the work programme for a future meeting for a report back on the actions in the report. |
SPORTS AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY STRATEGY PDF 507 KB The Director of Delivery, Communications and Political Governance submits a report on the draft Sports and Physical Activity Strategy. Additional documents: Minutes: The Director of Delivery, Communications and Political Governance submitted a report on the Council’s Sport and Physical Activity Strategy.
Councillor Singh Clair, Deputy City Mayor for Culture, Leisure, Sport and Regulatory Services, introduced the item. It was noted that a large amount of work had been done engaging with community groups, in partnership with the Health Department. He highlighted the decline in physical and corresponding mental health and noted the importance of encouraging involvement in sports and physical activity in the city.
Andrew Beddow, Head of Sports and Victoria Ball, Sport and Active Recreation Development Manager presented the report and noted the following points:
· The Sports and Physical Activity Strategy presented was its third iteration and the tone of the strategy had shifted to reflect its change in target demographic to Leicester’s inactive population. · A steep increase in inactivity and decrease in physical and mental health had been noted since the Covid-19 pandemic, which came with a corresponding increase in challenges faced when encouraging inactive residents into sports and physical activity. · It was acknowledged that focus needed to be placed on the inactive population which would see the most benefit, being the most susceptible to long-term health conditions. · Future targets included meeting with stakeholders to collaborate and work on an action plan, and a launch of the strategy was expected in late May / June 2023.
Members questioned whether the strategy was at risk of losing anything in the re-direction toward priority groups. It was noted that there were no foreseeable changes to current communities or groups when adapting and prioritising resources to those most in need.
Members asked how the strategy planned to reach inactive priority groups where there was an acknowledged struggle in engagement. It was noted that improvements to communication and marketing were required, which would be reviewed when collaborating with partners and undertaking consultations. It was noted that review outcomes in the Women in Sports Task Group Review highlighted lack of awareness of opportunities in communities across the city and tackling that lack of awareness was crucial in delivering the strategy effectively.
The Chair enquired about which body would lead the strategy. It was noted that Leicester City Council would lead in a collaborative governance style alongside partners, which could evolve into a steering group.
The Chair questioned how the performance of the strategy would be measured. It was noted that the Sports England Active Lives Survey and Public Health data for children would be used to keep track of statistics for inactivity in Leicester.
Councillors recommended that the strategy work with local ward Councillors, who had a better overview of their respective wards. Officers agreed to communicate with ward councillors to further the strategy.
The Chair enquired about what funding the strategy received and highlighted the importance of joining forces with partners of the scheme. It was noted that the aim was for the scheme to use the market sector to apply for funding, alongside asking organisations of Leicester to assist in meeting the needs ... view the full minutes text for item 68. |
JEWRY WALL: ROMAN LEICESTER UPDATE PDF 148 KB The Director of Tourism, Culture and Inward Investment submits an update on the Jewry Wall Museum, Leicester. Additional documents: Minutes: The Director of Tourism, Culture and Inward Investment submitted a report on the development progress of the Jewry Wall Museum.
Councillor Singh Clair, Deputy City Mayor for Culture, Leisure, Sport and Regulatory Services, introduced the item, highlighting the Roman history of Leicester city and the Jewry Wall building.
Philip Hackett, General Manager (KRIII Visitor Centre), led the presentation.
Members were excited for the progression of the development of the Jewry Wall Museum and enquired whether the development was running to budget and time constraints. It was noted that the project was within the expected timeframe and budget limits.
Members appreciated the digital visual storytelling being developed for the museum, to which it was noted that the digital stories will relate to the objects on display throughout the museum.
The Chair asked how the project was designed to encourage visitors from outside the city to visit. It was noted that the specialist website design and brand development were designed with engagement in mind. Work was ongoing with partners, Leicester Cathedral and Heritage Visitor Centre with the aim to make the whole of Leicester a visitor attraction.
Mike Dalzell, Director for Tourism, Culture and Inward Investment, noted that the museum was to be the biggest roman heritage site within 90 miles with no major competitor within the area.
AGREED: 1. That the report be noted. 2. That the item be kept on the work programme for an update at a future meeting of the Commission.
UPDATE ON NPO'S ARTS COUNCIL FUNDING REPORT PDF 360 KB The Director of Tourism, Culture and Inward Investment submits a report on the Arts Council support for organisations within Leicester city involving the National Portfolio (NPO). Minutes: The Director of Tourism, Culture and Inward Investment submitted a report on the Arts Council support for organisations within Leicester city involving the National Portfolio (NPO).
Councillor Singh Clair, Deputy City Mayor for Culture, Leisure, Sport and Regulatory Services, introduced the item. It was noted that the Arts Council reviewed their National Portfolio every four to five years. In the last two rounds in 2017 and in the recent 2022 portfolio, six new Leicester based organisations had been successful.
Mike Dalzell, Director of Tourism, Culture and Inward Investment, and Joanna Jones, Head of Arts and Museums, presented the report and highlighted the following points:
· The value of Arts Council England support to organisations in the city had grown to be £6.6 million per year for the following three years. · Some organisation budgets were standstill in cash terms and so they have had to absorb additional costs due to inflation. · Leicester City Council had also successfully joined the programme in 2017 with the city museum service now part of the NPO. · More organisations in the latest version of the NPO were led by people from Leicester’s diverse community. All of the latest six successful applicants from Leicester were noted to be representative of diverse groups. · The £407k a year to be received by the Museums service for the next three years was to be used for inclusive engagement work, focusing on working with children and young people in the community. Work involving the Council’s Holiday and Activity Fund assisted in organising museum trips for children, where there had been provided with free hot meals. · Officers had engaged with ward communities to build up good relationships with residents, to encourage involvement and visits to Leicester museums. · Leicester’s award-winning volunteer programme, which boasted 250 volunteers, aimed to open avenues for volunteers to enter employment in the sector. The project was noted to start on 1st April 2023.
Members of the Commission voiced appreciation for the national portfolio progress and work.
The Chair questioned how the groups in receipt of funding from Arts Council were chosen, and if the activities and information would be communicated by the organisations to the local communities for benefit and involvement. It was noted that Arts Council England chose the successful groups, who had planned and submitted a detailed business application for consideration.
A Member raised concern that the application process may put organisations in unnecessary head-to-head competition with one another, and the time required to bid for funding. Further concern was raised about the fixed term nature of the funding, which may lead to large amounts of time focused on organising bids rather than their work in the community.
1. That the item be kept on the work programme for an update further into the next scrutiny year. 2. That Members comments and views raised in the meeting be taken into account by officers managing the National Portfolio and Arts Council England work. 3. That information on Council involvement on holiday hunger be brought back to the ... view the full minutes text for item 70. |
CHRISTMAS ACTIVITIES FEEDBACK PDF 2 MB The Director of Tourism, Culture and Inward Investment submits an update outlining the Christmas Events calendar in Leicester 2022. Minutes: The Director of Tourism, Culture and Inward Investment submitted a presentation outlining the outcome of the Council’s Christmas activities for 2022.
Councillor Singh Clair, Deputy City Mayor for Culture, Leisure, Sport and Regulatory Services, introduced the item, highlighting the overall success of the 2022 Christmas events.
Chris Hackett, Deputy Festival and Events Manager, summarised the presentation, highlighting the key successes, challenges and potential changes for each event.
Councillor Barton left the meeting at 6:51pm and the meeting became inquorate. The Chair was informed that the meeting may continue as an informal discussion and that while further recommendations could not be made, suggestions may be taken and verified at the next meeting.
Members thanked officers for the report. |
DRAFT WORK PROGRAMME PDF 446 KB The current work programme is attached, and the Commission will be asked to consider this and make comments or suggestions for additional items as it considers necessary. Minutes: The Chair noted that the meeting was the last for the scrutiny year cycle and thanked those involved for their support. It was noted that any remaining items on the work programme would be carried over for consideration by the Commission in the next scrutiny year 2023/24.
The Deputy City Mayor for Culture, Tourism and Inward Investment thanked the scrutiny Chair and Heritage, Culture, Leisure and Tourism Scrutiny Commission for all their work over the 2022/23 scrutiny year.
ANY OTHER URGENT BUSINESS Minutes: There being no other urgent business, the meeting closed at 6:59pm. |