Venue: City Hall, 115 Charles Street, Leicester, LE1 1FZ
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: N. Feldmann, (LRSA), C. Hossack (LHIS), M. Davies (DMU), D. Martin (LRGT)
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members are asked to declare any interests they may have in the business to be discussed. Minutes: None. |
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING The Minutes of the meeting held on 15th February 2023 are attached and the Panel is asked to confirm them as a correct record. Minutes: The Panel agreed the notes. |
CURRENT DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS The Director of Planning, Development and Transportation submits a report on planning applications received for consideration by the Panel. Minutes: A) Leicester Museum & Art Gallery, New Walk (pre-app)
B) Leicester Cycle Storage & Amenity Space Design Guide
Sam Peppin-Vaughan gave a brief presentation on the Council’s new Cycle Storage & Amenity Space Design Guide, which is currently out for public consultation before formal adoption.
The members agreed it was an excellent resource for the Council to produce. They recognised that there is currently a challenging dilemma between heritage and sustainability and agreed that the discussed facilities could prove to be intrusive in come circumstances. Members experienced some issues with downloading the guidance document from the Council website. They noted that the website was not clear or straightforward, and many were unable to access the document at all.
C) Abbey Park Road, Land to north Planning Application 20230062
Construction of 61 dwellings (26 x 2bed, 30 x 3bed, 5 x 4bed) (Class C3); 4 two storey maisonettes (8 x 1bed) (Class C3); four storey building comprising 41 flats (30 x 1bed, 11 x 2bed) (Class C3); associated access; roads; parking; landscaping). The panel agreed that that the principal of development in this location would not have a detrimental impact on the surrounding built heritage, however they felt that the proposed scheme lacked a high quality design that responded positively to its context. Members acknowledged that the development fronting Abbey Park Road is consistent with the modern development associated with the Shoe Factory site further along. However, given this site’s greater proximity to the Grade II Listed Gate Lodges, they felt an opportunity had been missed to really celebrate them as a very significant group of buildings. They expressed a desire to see a greater amount of the site’s history as the location of the city’s 20th century Tram and Bus Depot incorporated into the development, such as street names and heritage panels. Members also felt the impact of the proposed apartment building on the locally listed Abbey Mill was difficult to fully appreciate without a street elevation drawing showing their spatial relationship.
Overall, the panel felt that the scheme lacked imagination and could be improved, with greater reference made to the surrounding heritage context. They mentioned the success of any scheme in this location would come down to details, such as fenestration and boundary treatments.
The panel made no comments on the following: ___________________________________________________________________ 77 Braunstone Gate Planning Application 20222239
Installation of shopfront (Class E)
Canning Place, Leeson Building Planning Application 20222369
Change of Use from industrial building to eight storage and distribution units (Class B8) and one retail unit (Class E) on the ground floor and ten office units on the first
116 Granby Street Planning Application 20222340
Change of use from storage (Class B8) to five self contained student flats (5x1 Bed) (Sui Generis)
Hanover Close, land at rear Planning Application 20222409
Installation of wooden cabin to the rear of flats (Class C3); associated works
2 Central Avenue Planning Application 20222120
Replacement of timber windows with new white ... view the full minutes text for item 224. |