Venue: City Hall, 115 Charles Street, Leicester, LE1 1FZ
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: D. Martin (LRGT), S. Bird (DAC), C. Sanliturk (LU)
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members are asked to declare any interests they may have in the business to be discussed. Minutes: None. |
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING The Minutes of the meeting held on 17th May 2023 are attached and the Panel is asked to confirm them as a correct record. Minutes: The Panel agreed the notes. |
CURRENT DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS The Director of Planning, Development and Transportation submits a report on planning applications received for consideration by the Panel. Minutes: A) Public Art Installation, New Walk (pre-app)
B) Market Place, Leicester Market Planning Application 20230426
Demolition of the existing covered market roof (Class E(a)) and cafe (Class E (b)) and construction of a new covered roof to provide 80 market stalls, 16 new single storey lock up trading units (Class E (a)), and a new single storey café (Class E (b)). Associated landscaping, new paving, waste management, new sub station, and plant space to be provided.
Some members of the panel felt the additional information and justification presented was beneficial and helped to alleviate some of their concerns from the previous meeting. Other members of the panel continued to harbour significant concerns. They acknowledged that the proposed design would be an improvement over the existing arrangement; however, they felt this improvement was marginal and did not provide for as significant an enhancement to the setting of the Corn Exchange as might be possible with an alternative approach. They reiterated that they felt this was a missed opportunity for greater benefits and referenced that it was a once in a generation intervention.
Members generally felt the design of the new covered market structure was generic and undistinctive and did not relate well to the surrounding built form architecturally or materially. They felt the plan form was overly rigid and wished to see something more dynamic which better responds to the existing context. They felt it would be possible to accommodate the required stall numbers in a revised design.
The panel wished to emphasise that they were seeking significant amendments to the scheme. They feel, without amendments, the scheme potentially could be objected to.
C) Leicester Railway Station, London Road (pre-app)
A presentation was made and the case was discussed.
D) Land at junction of Vaughan Way and St. Margaret's Way
Planning Application 20230634
Outline application for construction of a 9 and 7 storey building to provide 104 flats (63 x 1 bed, 41 x 2 bed) (Class C3) with access, appearance, layout and scale committed and other matters (landscaping) reserved.
The panel felt the proposed building was of generic design, which did not successfully respond to the context of the site. Given the prominence of the location, fronting a busy highway and close to a conservation area, they considered that a higher quality of design would be expected. While the panel agreed the reduction in height from the previously refused scheme was welcome, they continued to have concerns about the proposed scale. They expressed disappointment at the loss of views of the Grade II listed Richard Roberts Factory. While they acknowledged that the existing views would not have been possible historically, members argued that the chimney would likely have been a prominent in the roofscape, and this too would be lost. Finally, the panel were concerned about the lack of adequate details provided on the proposed materials and pointed out some discrepancies in the AVR’s and application information. ... view the full minutes text for item 232. |