Agenda and minutes

Overview and Scrutiny Management Board - Thursday, 3 February 2011 2:00 pm

Contact: Francis Connolly  (0116) 229 8812

No. Item




Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Clair, Joshi and Scuplak.



Members are asked to declare any interests they may have in the business on the agenda, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


Members were asked to declare any interests they had in the business on the agenda and/or indicate whether Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act applied to them.


The following interests were declared:-


Councillor Grant declared personal interests in Item 3 (2011/12 Budget Proposals) as his partner worked in the Chief Executives Office and his sister-in-law worked in a school in the City.


Councillor Johnson declared a personal interest in Item 4 (Divisional Budgets Pertinent to the Regeneration and Transport Task Group leader) as he and his wife were in receipt of concessionary bus passes. 


Councillor Newcombe declared a personal interest in proposal number ES3, of Item 5 (Divisional Budgets Pertinent to the Environment and Sustainability and Culture and Leisure Task Group Leaders), as he was a Trustee of the Bradgate park and Swithland Wood Trust.  He also declared personal interests as his wife worked within Adults and Housing and several family members worked in cleansing services.


Councillor Potter declared a personal interest in proposals numbered ES11, ES12 and ES13 of Item 5 (Divisional Budgets Pertinent to the Environment and Sustainability and Culture and Leisure Task Group Leaders), as she knew some street cleaners personally.  Councillor Potter also declared personal interests as she had a child in full-time education, her former mother-in law was in receipt of a Council care package and she was a Council tenant.


Councillor Suleman declared a personal interest in proposal CS08 of Item 5 (Divisional Budgets Pertinent to the Environment and Sustainability and Culture and Leisure Task Group Leaders), as he lived outside the City (but in the County).


Councillor Aqbany declared a personal interest in Item 6 (Divisional Budgets Pertinent to the Adults and Housing and Community Cohesion and Safety Task Group Leaders) as his mother was a Council lessee.  




2011/12 BUDGET PROPOSALS pdf icon PDF 64 KB

2:00pm – 2:30pm


The Chief Executive and the Chief Finance Officer will be present to provide an introduction and general overview of the 2011/12 budget proposals.


The Deputy Chief Executive and the Chief Finance Officer were present to provide an introduction and general overview of the 2011/12 budget proposals.


The Chief Finance Officer explained that following a huge decrease in Government funding, the 2011/12 budget had been the most difficult budget to construct in decades and that significant cuts were unavoidable.  The proposed budget aimed to protect Leicester’s priorities.  It was also pointed out by way of introduction that Council Tax had been frozen for the coming year if the proposals were adopted.


The in-year spending cuts announced on 25 May 2010 resulted in a drop of £9.2m of funding from central government, and the City Council had also been adversely affected by cuts to organisations such as the East Midlands Development Association (EMDA).   Furthermore, the Comprehensive Spending Review saw a 29% real terms reduction in formula grants over four years at national level. In response to a query from Councillor Suleman, it was clarified that grants received by the Council were to reduce by 12.9%, in 2011/12.  The Chief Finance Officer also stated that a number of specific grants had been rolled into formula grant, and that the appropriate sums had been added into the budget. This was not growth, just a change of funding.


The Board were informed that the Council had received a two year settlement from the Government, which would see an overall reduction of £30m in revenue grants and a £20m reduction in capital.  It was also explained that this included a reduction of £9.6m in Children’s Services specific grants for which budget proposals did not exist at the time the draft budget was published.


Further key funding changes included a cessation of the Housing Revenue Account subsidy system in 2012/13, the receipt of additional funding for adult care via the NHS and the transfer of £0.9m as a central provision for academies. 


Members heard that a number of ‘one-off’ monies would be used for severance and for the 2011/12 budget.  Total available monies amounted to £17.5m, The amount of one off monies which the budget proposed to use would exceed this, to cover the additional funding required for Children’s Services.  It was intended to review all budgets significantly in Spring 2012


In respect of the main features of the Budget, the Chief Finance Officer reported that protecting BSF funding was a key component; as was investing £750,000 into Safeguarding Children which reflected the increased number of children entering the care system.  An extra £1m for concessionary bus travel had been provided in light of an average 5% increase in fares and a growing number of elderly citizens using buses. 


In terms of savings, a proposed senior management review and savings within ODI and HR were key features.  Savings within ODI were expected to grow from £5.6m to almost £9m by 2014.  Savings within HR related in part to changes to the terms and conditions of staff which included proposals to reduce working hours to 35 hours. The  ...  view the full minutes text for item 136.



2:30pm – 3:30pm


The Chief Finance Officer submits a report that seeks views of the Scrutiny Committee on the draft budget plans, for the following divisions:-


            Regeneration, Highways & Transport (B1 - Cream)

            Planning and Economic Development (B2 - Red)


The Board is asked to consider the draft budget proposals and make its comments to the Cabinet.

Additional documents:


Regeneration, Highways and Transport


The Divisional Director, Regeneration, Highways and Transport, was present to provide a summary of the budget for his division. 


Members heard that the division had an overall budget growth of £1.4m , which would fall to £0.3m by 2013.  This growth was composed of budget pressures of £3.1m in 2011/12 and savings of £1.7m in 2011/12 rising to £2.8m by 2013/14.  it was explained that the pressures mainly related to concessionary fares and reduced design and supervision fees from a reduced capital programme.  The savings mainly comprised of a reduction of 41 posts within the division and a £600,000 reduction in bus subsidies which would encompass the loss of 29 bus routes.  A further saving of £300,000 in highways maintenance had been proposed.  Further a number of questions in relation to the loss of these routes, the Director explained that a number of mitigating factors were considered before decisions were made and consideration in consultation with the bus companies was given to those which could be delivered commercially.  The Director agreed with a suggestion by Councillor Newcombe that all subsidised bus routes in Leicester be reviewed in the future, and it was further suggested that a Task Group review in relation to this be considered as a future topic.  Furthermore, members were informed that discussions were taking place with Leicestershire County Council around the possibility of linking the Birstall and Enderby Park and Ride services.


In light of a reduction in income from on-street and off-street parking, it was questioned whether more rigorous levels of enforcement of unauthorised car parking sites could be employed.  In response, the head of Planning Management and delivery explained that he was aware of several unauthorised sites, and referred members to a legal case which was lost several years ago on the grounds of an inadequate policy and a shortage of evidence.  He stated that the Council had now produced a Car Parking Supplementary Planning Document which was currently undergoing a period of consultation. The meeting heard that once adopted, this could help to significantly reduce the number of unauthorised car parks.


In response to a further question, the Director, Regeneration, Highways and Transport stated that he was optimistic that a reduction in the highways maintenance budget would not lead to a significantly poorer level of service as officers had access to a capital maintenance budget.


In response to a question around the Star Track system, the Director, Regeneration, Highways and Transport, confirmed that there would be no further capital investment into Star Track and that future alternatives to the system were to be considered. 



(1)       That the Regeneration, Highways and Transport 2011/12 budget summary be noted; and


(2)               That consideration be given to setting up a Task Group to review subsidised bus routes.


Planning and Economic Development


The Head of Planning Management and Delivery and the Head of Economic Regeneration were present to provide a summary of the budget for the Planning and Economic Development division.


The Board  ...  view the full minutes text for item 137.



3:45pm – 5:15pm


The Chief Finance Officer submits a report that seeks views of the Scrutiny Committee on the draft budget plans, for the following divisions:-


-          Cultural Services (C1 - Green)

-          Environmental Services (C2 - Yellow)                                                            


The Board is asked to consider the draft budget proposals and make its comments to the Cabinet.

Additional documents:


With the agreement of the Committee, the divisional budget pertinent to the Environment and Sustainability Task Group Leader (Appendix C2) was considered before that pertinent to the culture and Leisure Task Group Leader (Appendix C1).


a)     Environmental Services


At the invitation of the Board, Councillor Russell, the Lead Member for Environment and Sustainability addressed the meeting, explaining that, wherever possible, innovative ways had been sought by which Environmental Services could be protected and service levels maintained.


The Board expressed concerns about the proposal to reduce park and play locking services, (proposal number ES20).  It was suggested that not locking some of the City’s parks or play areas would lead to anti-social behaviour in their vicinity and Members were reminded that a verbal assurance previously had been given that consideration would be given to which parks and play areas should still be locked.


In reply, the Director of Environmental Services confirmed that it had not been decided yet which parks and play areas would continue to be locked, but the history of each site would be considered before a decision was made.  The Director further confirmed that consideration was being given to alternative ways of providing this service, such as outsourcing the service, the provision of automatic bollards at entrances, or using existing staff resources.  It was recognised that there would be costs associated with these alternatives, but these also needed to be quantified. 


Concerns were expressed that, once a way forward had been implemented, problems could be created for local residents, such as the presence of street drinkers, or incidences of anti-social behaviour.  The Director of Environmental Services confirmed that it was only in parks and play areas where it was known that no anti-social behaviour problems existed that an alternative system would be implemented straight away and assessed while in operation.


At the invitation of the Board, Councillor Coley addressed the meeting commenting that, although some parks and play areas currently did not have any problems, these could arise if they were not locked, (for example, travelling communities moving on to unsecured areas).


Councillor Suleman enquired whether consideration had been given to park user groups taking over the locking service on a voluntary basis.  The Director of Environmental Services confirmed that one option being considered was for the local community to take on the role.


Councillor Suleman then drew attention to the proposed increase in car parking charges, (proposal number ES21 referred), and questioned how this equated with the Council’s efforts to encourage people to use the City’s parks.  He suggested that the proposal to increase car parking charges needed to be reconsidered, as the increase would deter people from travelling to City parks.  However, it was noted that only two parks currently had car parking charges, which had been introduced to stop commuters using those car parks.


In considering the suggested closure of the Consumer Advice Centre (proposal number ES8), Councillor Russell reminded Members that much of the advice given at the Centre was available from other sources.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 138.



5:30pm – 7:00pm


The Chief Finance Officer submits a report that seeks views of the Scrutiny Committee on the draft budget plans, for the following divisions:-


-          Adult Social Care (D1 - Lilac)

-          Housing Strategy and Options (D2 - Blue)

-          Housing Related Support - Supporting People (D3 - Pink)

-          Safer and Stronger Communities (D4 - Orange)                                          


The Committee is asked to consider the draft budget proposals and make its comments to the Cabinet.


Additional documents:


 The following draft Budget Strategies 2011/12 – 2013/14 were presented: -


i)                    Adult Social Care - (Appendix D1)

ii)                  Housing Strategy and Options Division - (Appendix D2)

iii)                Housing Related Support (Supporting People) Fund – (Appendix D3)

iv)                Safer and Stronger Communities Division – (Appendix D4)


i)          ADULT SOCIAL CARE                                                          APPENDIX D1


The Strategic Director, Adults and Communities presented the Draft Budget Strategy. A supplementary page of information relating to Clients Changing Services and Clients Receiving Less Of Their Existing Services was also tabled at the meeting.


Members expressed a view that the supplementary information should have been circulated prior to the meeting and not tabled and that consideration should be given to deferring discussion of the Strategy document to a Special meeting of the Board. Members were unclear about several issues contained within the report and requested further information from the officers.


It was moved by the Chair and seconded by the Vice-Chair, and agreed, that further discussion on the Adult Social Care Draft Budget Strategy 2011/12 – 2013/14 be deferred to an adjourned meeting of the Board, to be convened as soon as possible.


Members requested that further information on the areas identified as follows be provided prior to the meeting: -


·        Proposed closures of residential homes, including a detailed cost analysis

·        Meals on Wheels Service

·        Personal Budgets

·        Home Care Workers and the options

·        Specific proposals regarding Extra Care

·        Quality of Care



that discussion on the report be deferred to the adjourned meeting of the Board.




The Director, Housing Strategy and Options presented the Draft Budget Strategy and stated that Housing General Fund services would be adversely affected by severe reductions in capital reductions in government resources for the Homes and Community Agency, reductions in former Supporting People funds and the overall reduction in formula grant to the Council.


Members opposed, under the rationalisation of voluntary sector grants, the proposed withdrawal of funding for the provision of Corner Club, and Study Support, both of which were in-house services, and Family Support at Border House. It was felt that these were still much needed services and could lead to discrimination as some children at Border House would be eligible for support and others would not. Further information on the length of time families spent in hostels was requested and to be circulated to members.


Members supported the retention of the Homehandy Person Services but felt that there was an opportunity to promote this service better within the private sector.


Members supported the work being done to develop the Revolving Door Service at al hostels in the City that would provide focused support on those individuals that had been in the hostel more than once over the previous two years and would help them succeed when they next left the hostel.



that the Draft Budget Strategy be noted and Cabinet be informed of the comments made by the Board. 


iii)        HOUSING RELATED SUPPORT                                          APPENDIX D3



The  ...  view the full minutes text for item 139.