Venue: Mellor Primary School, Checketts Road, Leicester LE4 5EQ
Contact: Julie Harget : Email: Tel 229 8809
No. | Item | ||||
ELECTION OF CHAIR Councillors will elect a Chair for the meeting. Minutes: Councillor Bhatti as Chair welcomed everyone to the Rushey Mead Community Meeting. |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: There were no apologies for absence. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST The first main item on the agenda is Declarations of Interest where Councillors have to say if there is anything on the agenda they have a personal interest in. For example if a meeting was due to discuss a budget application put forward by a community group and one of the Councillors was a member of that group, they would not be able to take part in the decision on that budget application.
Members are asked to declare any interests they may have in the business to be discussed Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING The minutes of the previous Rushey Mead Community Meeting held on 4 September 2013 are attached and Members will be asked to confirm them as a correct record. Minutes: RESOLVED: that the minutes of the previous Rushey Mead Community Meeting held on 9 January 2014 be agreed as a correct record. |
LEICESTERSHIRE CITIZENS ADVICE BUREAU Helen Child from the Leicestershire Citizens’ Advice Bureau (CAB) will provide an overview of the service that the CAB provide. Minutes: Helen Child, City Operations Director for the Leicester Advice Service gave a presentation on the Leicestershire Citizens’ Advice Bureau (CAB). Helen explained that CAB had an office on Charles Street where they offered face to face and telephone services. They also provided outreach advice in 10 wards across the city, including Rushey Mead, which were delivered by CAB’s partners, AgeUK.
The Citizens’ Advice service provided free, independent, confidential and impartial advice to everyone on their rights and responsibilities.
Helen explained that in Rushey Mead, sessions were offered at the Woodbridge Sure Start Centre on Thursdays 2 – 5 pm, and on average approximately 50 people in Rushey Mead used the service each month. Enquiries relating to benefits were slightly higher in Rushey Mead than elsewhere in the city. The sessions comprised some pre-booked appointments but there were also some open sessions for clients who called in.
Clients could be referred to the service by councillors or partner agencies. However for those clients who wished to access the service without a referral they could call into the CAB in Apex House, 74-76 Charles Street or telephone:
0844 417 1025 from a landline, Monday- Friday: 10.00 – 4.00, or 0300 330 1025 from a mobile, Monday to Friday: 10.00 – 4.00
Advice also be obtained on line at
The meeting heard that there was a whole range of volunteering opportunities within the Leicester Advice Service and they were very willing to train people if they had the relevant skills. Helen added that many of their volunteers found their work very rewarding.
Helen was thanked for attending the meeting. |
HIGHWAYS ISSUES An officer from Highways, Leicester City Council will be present to provide an update relating to highways issues around the new Sainsbury’s store on Melton Road / Troon Way. Minutes: Ravi Mohankumar, Senior Engineer from Transport Strategy and Jayesh Parmar, Team Leader, Traffic Management were present at the meeting and invited attendees to give their views on the changes to the road layout around the new Sainsbury’s store on Melton Road. Several comments were made that the junction was considerably improved, but a request was made for some additional signage as there had been two incidents where drivers making a right hand turn, had turned into the wrong lane and into on-coming traffic.
Other comments and queries were made as follows:
· Concern was expressed that the pedestrian crossing by the Indigo Restaurant on Melton Road had been removed. Officers explained that this had been a temporary provision whilst the road works were in progress.
· A request was made for a permanent left hand filter for drivers who were turning into Asda in Thurmaston. Officers explained that this was outside the city boundary and offered to pass on the query to officers in the appropriate authority.
· Attendees queried traffic plans relating to the closure of the Belgrave Flyover. Officers explained that the closure of the flyover would be a major scheme which was currently under consideration. The plans would be announced before work commenced.
· The City Warden stated that there were overgrown bushes where Troon Way joined Humberstone Lane, which made it difficult and dangerous for pedestrians to cross the road.
Councillors extended their thanks to all the officers who had been involved with the highways improvements around the new store, stating that they had done extremely well during a difficult time.
PARKING ENFORCEMENT Sue Cutler, the Parking Enforcement Manager from Leicester City Council will be present to talk about parking enforcement issues; particularly relating to Mellor Primary School and Soar Valley College. Minutes: Sue Cutler, Contract Manager from Environmental and Enforcement Services was present to talk about parking enforcement issues. The following points were discussed:
· In response to a query relating to parking on zig zag lines outside schools, Sue explained that without a Traffic Regulation Order, officers could not take action against drivers who parked on zig zag lines.
· There was no sign on Woodbridge Road warning drivers to slow down because of the nearby school. A comment was made that appropriate signage was erected as soon as the Children’s Centre was opened. Speeding cars on Woodbridge Road were a serious problem.
· An attendee requested that in order to alleviate some of the parking and traffic problems, the pedestrian entrance to Mellor Primary from Clarke Street should be closed and access permitted through the Children’s Centre. Councillors explained that the Children’s Centre would have restricted access but they offered to approach Mellor Primary with the request to close the Clarke Street pedestrian entrance; however they felt that this would probably be an unpopular suggestion. The Chair also asked Sue to arrange for a member of the parking enforcement team to visit to the school to assess the situation.
· Councillor Willmott expressed concerns relating to parking problems on Peebles Way, close to Soar Valley College. Problems were created by drivers parking on double yellow lines and in the middle of the road to drop off or collect students from the college. This issue was causing great concern to local residents and Councillor Willmott informed Sue that he would email her with details of the issues raised by residents.
· Concerns were also reported relating to parking issues on Checketts Road. This made it hazardous for any drivers trying to pull out of Morftoft Road because their vision was obscured. It was also noted that there had been cars for sale parked on the road; however the City Warden explained that progress had been made on this issue and the situation relating to cars for sale appeared to have improved.
The City Warden with responsibility for the Rushey Mead Ward will be present to talk about local street scene enforcement issues. Minutes: Jethro Swift, City Warden for the Rushey Mead ward provided an update on local street scene enforcement issues and made the following points:
· The wardens had been given new powers to improve residential areas. For example where rubbish had been deposited in gardens and residents did not respond to requests to tidy the area, the council could remove the items and invoice the owner.
· In response to complaints, a ‘Bins on Streets’ Project had commenced in the Barkby Road area; so far the response had been generally positive.
· There had been an increase in bird feeding, which could not only be harmful to birds if the food was inappropriate, but often also led to problems with rats and other vermin. In order to combat the problem, Information Packs had been delivered to properties on Buckburn Walk in an attempt to educate residents.
· The planters outside the pub on Nicklaus Road had been cleared and repaired by people in the Handyperson Service. The City Wardens had also been in touch with the manager of the pub to ask him to keep the area clear.
· An attendee raised a concern relating to over-grown bushes on Woodbridge Road. The bushes were situated a few feet away from a wall by an old factory (possibly the old dye works). Litter was accruing by the bushes and the attendee had to make requests at least twice a year for this work to be carried. The attendee queried why the work could not be carried out routinely. The Chair advised the attendee to submit a query on one of the community meeting enquiry forms. |
LOCAL POLICING UPDATE Members of the community will receive an update on local policing issues. Minutes: Police Constable Martin Sneath provided an update on local community policing and made the following points:
· The number of burglaries in the run up to Christmas 2013, were lower than in the same period in 2012.
· Members of the community were reminded to lock their doors and close windows where appropriate, as frequently burglars entered by the rear ground floor (unlocked) door or open windows.
· Pc Sneath reminded people that as burglars often targeted Asian gold, they needed to keep it secure or in a safety deposit box.
· In response to a query, Pc Sneath explained that the police station on Melton Road had closed and was now non-operational. Some members of the local policing team worked from Belgrave Neighbourhood Centre though he worked from Keyham Lane.
· In response to a query relating to travellers on the Red Hill roundabout, Pc Sneath explained that the police had a liaison officer to work with the travellers. Councillors explained that the council had some powers in relation to travellers and in such cases were obliged to carry out an assessment. Usually by the time, the assessment had been finished, the travellers had moved on. |
BUDGET Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.
The following applications have been fast tracked for payment:
2894: Children’s Christmas Party
Submitted by Maureen Jones, Church of Our Lady of Good Counsel
Amount supported £414
2895: Bulk Bulb Planting Troon Way
Submitted by: Jane Ushwell, Parks
Amount supported: £500
The following application will be considered at the meeting:
2893 – Replacement standard BIB taps to non-concussive side push taps
Submitted by: Harrison Road Allotment Gardens (a member of the Belgrave Allotment Society)
Amount requested: £600 Minutes: The Chair stated that the following funding applications had been fast tracked for payment:
2894: Children’s Christmas Party - £414 2895: Bulk Bulb Planting, Troon Way - £500
The following applications were considered at the meeting:
2893: Replacement Standard BIB taps to non-concussive side push taps
Submitted by Harrison Road Allotment Gardens
Amount requested: £600
Councillors agreed to support the bid in full to the value of £600. The Chair stated that the allotments were not in the Rushey Mead ward (although it was recognised that some of the users lived in Rushey Mead) and therefore next time, the funding application should be submitted to the Belgrave and Latimer Community Meeting.
RESOLVED: that the funding application be supported in full to the value of £600 on the proviso that the next funding application should be submitted to the Belgrave and Latimer Community Meeting.
2886: Leicester Outdoor Pursuits Centre Social Club
Submitted by: Ed Sibson, Leicester Outdoor Pursuits Centre Social Club
Amount requested: £4320
This funding application was submitted to the previous meeting on 4 September and was not supported as further information was sought as to how many people from the club came from Rushey Mead. Mr Sibson had asked for the application to be re-submitted and attended the meeting to present the bid. Mr Sibson explained that the funding requested was to enable young people from Belgrave, Latimer and Rushey Mead to attend the club. Funding had already been received from Belgrave and Latimer and the only beneficiaries of the scheme would be from those three wards. The Belgrave and Latimer Community Meeting had supported the funding bid with the proviso that an application should also be submitted to Rushey Mead.
Councillors agreed to support the bid in principle for an amount to be agreed outside the meeting, as there were insufficient funds remaining in the budget to support the bid in full as there was still a further application from Metro-Boulot-Dodo for ‘My Home’ to be considered.
RESOLVED: that the funding application be supported in principle for an amount to be agreed with the councillors outside of the meeting. Joint bid 0003 to Rushey Mead, Aylestone and Castle Wards: My Home
Submitted by: Metro-Boulot-Dodo
Amount requested: £1500 from each ward.
Esther Simpson presented the funding application. This was a late application and not therefore included in the agenda. The meeting heard that funding had been received from the Arts Council for a project to explore Leicester and its people. They wished to photograph and interview 100 people who represent Leicester and the intention was to look at three wards: Aylestone, Castle and Rushey Mead. Rushey Mead was identified because of its very diverse population. The project aimed to build links with the community and to involve people who would not normally engage with the arts. The photographs would be represented in a fun way and the project would provide a snap shot of Leicester in 2014.
Councillors agreed to support the project ... view the full minutes text for item 115. |
ANY OTHER BUSINESS Minutes: The following queries and were raised by members of the community:
What is happening with the boundary changes; I understand that two of the wards will change?
Councillors responded that as yet they did not know, however the changes would be announced in February.
There was due to be a meeting about the demolition of the Belgrave Flyover, but it was cancelled. Will another meeting be re-arranged for members of the public?
Councillors confirmed that the meeting would be re-arranged. |
DATE OF NEXT MEETING Minutes: The next Rushey Mead Community Meeting will be held on Thursday 6 March at 6.30 pm at Soar Valley Community College, Gleneagles Avenue, Leicester. |
CLOSE OF MEETING Minutes: The meeting closed at 8.05 pm. |