Venue: St Theodore's Church, Sandfield Close, Leicester LE4 7RE
Contact: Shilen Pattni: Tel 0116 454 1832. Email Julie Harget. Tel: 0116 454 6357. Email
No. | Item |
INTRODUCTIONS The Chair will introduce those present and make any necessary announcements.
The Chair and any other Councillors who are present will make any declarations as required by the Councillors’ Code of Conduct.
Minutes: Councillor Willmott chaired the meeting and led the introductions. |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor Clair. |
MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING The minutes of the previous meeting held on 6 March 2014 are attached and Members are asked to confirm them as a correct record. Minutes: A resident asked the meeting to note that at the previous meeting on 9 January 2014 she had mentioned that she had written to the City Mayor to request school approach signs to be erected on Woodbridge Road. There had been no signs for 40 years, but four months after she had written to the City Mayor, he had agreed that the signs would be erected although this work had not yet been carried out.
Subject to this addition, the minutes of the previous meeting were agreed.
The resident subsequently spoke to Rachel Webster (LCC Property) and asked the meeting to note that Rachel had commented that that it would be necessary to look at the school approach signs again because the council did not wish to encourage people to use the Clarke Street entrance as the main entrance was on Checketts Road.
Rachel Webster then addressed the meeting in response to the concerns previously expressed regarding parking on Clarke Street for Mellor Primary School, the meeting was asked to note:
· a meeting had been held on site. An action plan had been drawn up and there would be an assessment
· the school were continuing to take measures to tackle the parking issues on Clarke Street.
· A residents’ parking scheme would not be appropriate because the necessary criteria could not be met.
· Officers were seeking the correct solution to resolve the problem; single or double yellow lines might be appropriate.
A resident suggested that raised kerbs with studs would prevent people parking on pavements because they would not wish to risk damaging their vehicle’s suspension. The Chair suggested that the most effective measures would be to educate the parents.
The meeting to note that the issue was still being actioned. The resident who had raised the concerns was asked to contact Rachel or the Community Engagement Officer if she required further information. |
CITY WARDEN - UPDATE The City Warden will give an update on issues in the Rushey Mead Ward. Minutes: The City Warden Report provided by Mohammed Patel was noted. A copy is attached to the back of these action notes.
The following issues were raised by attendees:
· There was a problem with uncontrolled dogs on the parks. There were large dogs running loose on the parks and in the play areas, even though there were notices advising that dogs needed to be kept on a lead.
The meeting was informed that it was not possible to enforce this however the Chair asked for the situation to be monitored and owners to be politely asked to ensure that their dogs were properly controlled.
· Problems relating to dog fouling on the Jesse Jackson park were reported. There was also a need for footpaths there.
· There were abandoned supermarket trolleys on Silverstone Drive. The Chair suggested that the resident might wish to contact Sainsbury’s to ask them to organise collection.
· There was a disused building on Woodbridge Road and it was queried whether the future use of the building was known. The Chair advised that planning permission for a supermarket had been refused – future plans not yet known.
· A concern was raised that falling leaves from a tree outside 12 Silverstone Drive were causing a mess on a resident’s car. The Chair asked if the resident would be able to park away from the tree and also questioned whether it would be possible to trim the tree back.
Actions to be taken by the City Warden / Neighbourhood Development Manager / Community Engagement Officer. |
NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICING UPDATE There will be an update on local Policing issues in the area. Minutes: The Police were unable to be present at the meeting but Shobhana Patel, Community Safety Team provided an update:
The meeting was asked to note that:
· Following on from concerns raised at the previous meeting, the lighting columns at the Lockerbie Shops are being upgraded and the work should be completed by 10 July.
· A joint multi-agency meeting for all the wards covered by the Keyham Lane Policing Unit had taken place that morning. Within Rushey Mead, anti-social behaviour (ASB) is an issue in the Lockerbie Shopping area. In addition Shobhana reported that she was working on other ASB issues jointly with the City Wardens, on Archers Close, Hampden Road and Huntsman Way.
· Attendees reported that some of the street lights on Fairfax Road had been changed, but some still needed updating. The Chair asked officers to investigate this.
Actions: to be progressed by the Neighbourhood Development Officer / Community Engagement Officer and relevant officers / Police as appropriate.
The Chair explained that there is a new Police Inspector for the area and a new Police Sergeant covering the Rushey Mead Ward. Residents would have an opportunity to meet them at a future meeting. |
BUDGET Councillors are reminded that under the Council’s Code of Conduct they should declare any interest they may have in budget applications.
The following funding application will be considered at the meeting:
Submitted by: Belgrave Allotment Society (Uxbridge Road Site) – Stephen Callis
Proposal: To install a footpath from the roadway to make safe and easy access to the toilet area for all members including members of the Big Flower Garden Club (group of disabled children and young persons).
Amount requested: £551.58
A funding application for £500 from Mr Vijay Patel for an Easter Play scheme was not supported because it arrived too late for it to be considered before the play scheme was due to commence.
Minutes: An update was provided on the Rushey Mead Community Meeting budget.
Attendees were asked to note that a funding application submitted by the Highfields Rangers Social Club for their Community Family Fun Day had been fast tracked for payment. £1214.80 from Rushey Mead, Belgrave and Latimer Wards had been requested. £500 had been supported.
The following funding applications were considered at the meeting:
Proposal: Site Improvement to create a footpath to the toilet area.
Submitted by: Belgrave Allotment Society (Uxbridge Road Site) – Stephen Callis.
Amount requested and supported £551.58
Proposal: Rushey Mead Fun Day (Mela) – Saturday 5th July 2014
Submitted by: Sandfield School Parent Teacher Association
Amount requested and supported: £472
Attendees were asked to note that an application for £500 from Mr Vijay Patel for an Easter Play Scheme was not supported because it arrived too late for it to be considered prior to the proposed event.
It was further noted that a funding application from Jane Ushwell, LCC Parks Services for £300 to plant poppies and wild flowers on the Rushey Mead Recreation Park and Appleton Park had been submitted approximately four months ago and appeared to have been mislaid. The funding application was not therefore to hand but Councillors agreed to support the bid in full pending receipt of a new application.
Action: the Neighbourhood Development Manager / Community Engagement Officer to process the applications that the councillors had agreed to support. Attendees were asked to note that previously the community meeting had agreed to fund some bulk bulb planting along one side of Troon Way by the new Sainsbury’s Store. A request had previously been sent to the company asking them to match fund this amount to enable bulbs to be bulk planted on the opposite side of the road. Sainsbury’s had agreed to this request. |
ANY OTHER BUSINESS Minutes: The following queries and comments were raised:
Jesse Jackson Park
In response to a query from an attendee, the meeting was asked to note that the Jesse Jackson Park on Troon Way was not new, but it had been renamed.
Gypsies on Watermead Way.
It was noted that the Gypsies who had encamped on Watermead Way had moved away but some rubble had been left; The Chair advised that matters to do with the travellers were being dealt with. The Chair also explained that the council could not move the Gypsies and Travellers on, unless they had a proper site for the travellers to go to.
Woodbridge Road
A problem with surface water on Woodbridge Road near to Payne Street was reported. The Chair asked for the gullies to be checked and also for some parking enforcement to be carried out if possible as there were parking problems there, including pavement parking.
Essex Road
A resident reported parking problems, including parking on the double yellow lines by the T Junction on Essex Road.
Action: the Neighbourhood Development Manager / Community Engagement Officer to investigate the concerns raised by attendees. |
DATES OF FUTURE MEETINGS To note that the dates of future Community Ward meetings will be confirmed following annual council.
Minutes: Future meetings to be held as follows:
Tuesday 19 August 2014 Tuesday 18 November 2014 Tuesday 17 February 2015 |
CLOSE OF MEETING Minutes: The meeting closed at 7. 37 pm. |