Venue: Rushey Mead Recreation Centre, Gleneages Avenue, Leicester
Contact: Ayleena Thomas tel: 0116 454 6369 Email:
No. | Item |
INTRODUCTIONS The Chair will introduce those present and make any necessary announcements.
The Chair and any other Councillors who are present will make any declarations as required by the Councillors’ Code of Conduct. Minutes: Councillor Clair – Chair, welcomed everyone and led introductions.
No interests were declared. |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: There were no apologies for absence. |
The Action Log from the previous Rushey Mead Community Meeting held on 19 August 2014 is attached for information and discussion. Minutes: Action log from the meeting held 19 August 2014 was circulated and confirmed as a correct record.
No matters arising. |
CITY WARDEN UPDATE The City Warden will provide an overview on environmental and enforcement activities in the Rushey Mead Ward. Minutes: Jethro Swift, City Warden gave an update on issues within the ward. The following issues were discussed:
· It was noted that within the past few months Rushey Mead City Wardens had dealt with a considerable amount of rubbish dumped on private land areas and clearing rubbish from alleyways.
· Rubbish had been frequently dumped near the Lockerbie Walk shops and the City Wardens were looking into getting gates fitted to avoid future rubbish dumping in this area.
· There were concerns with parking on Braemar Drive in regards to alleged cars for sale and trading in that area. However, no cars had yet been discovered by the City Warden team and therefore no action taken.
· Attendees were encouraged to report any issues using the Love Leicester app. |
LOCAL POLICING UPDATE Officers from the Local Policing Unit will be at the meeting to provide an update on Police issues in the Ward. Minutes: Sergeant Simon Walters gave the following update on statistics and issues in the Rushey Mead Ward based on the past 3 months:
· Although it was noted that fewer cars had been stolen and fewer robberies had taken place compared to this time last year, there had been a significant increase in theft of fuel from vehicles in addition to a rise in theft from houses. Some of the theft from vehicles had particularly taken place between Barkby Road and the Country Estate.
· There had been parking issues near Mellor School and Clarke Street. In this regard a traffic watch had taken place at the school whereby Police were able to issue tickets and gave advice for what constituted as an offence.
· Attendees stated that there were also other areas in Rushey Mead that had issues with parking. Councillor Willmott requested that there could be an increased number of City Wardens issuing tickets in this area.
An overview of statistics from the past three months in compared to the same three-month period in 2013 was noted as follows:
2013 2014 Dwelling Burglary 27 41 Theft of Vehicle 5 2 Robbery 3 2 Theft from vehicle 4 20 (fuel thefts) |
NEW LOCAL PLAN ISSUES Nick Logan from the Planning Team will be present to provide information on the New Local Plan Issues and Options Consultation. Minutes: Nick Logan and Fabian D’Costa gave a presentation on the New Local Plan Issues and Consultation.
The following information was presented:
The New Local Plan was a statutory document which Leicester City Council was currently producing to show where and how Leicester could be developed over the next 15 years and more. Some of these developments would include: · A growing City – economy, housing, city centre · People and Spaces – neighbourhoods, spaces, heritage, health · The Environment – transport, climate change, green space and sport
The Local Plan was currently at the stage of public consultation, whereby comments and suggestions were being encouraged from the public including Leicester residents/ community, key stakeholders, neighbouring authorities and others who could have their say on the plan.
Attendees were asked to contact the team with comments or questions by: Email – or filling in the online response form at |
GREAT CENTRAL RAILWAY MUSEUM Katie Pennington will provide information on the building of a new world class heritage Great Central Railway Museum in Leicester. Minutes: Katie Pennington provided information on the Great Central Railway Museum. The following points were presented:
· The Great Central Railway (GCR) was working in partnership with the National Railway Museum and Leicester City Council on plans to build a new heritage railway museum which would be located at the Leicester North terminus near the Greenacres site. Funding would be anticipated from several sources including an application to the Heritage Lottery Fund.
· It was noted that the museum would house some iconic locomotives, artefacts and documents from the National Collection.
· The plan was at the stage of consulting with key audiences to test the proposals for the museum and members of the public were encouraged to share their stories, comments and views which related to the Great Central Railway and its developments. Focus groups would also be organised for informal consultation.
· It was anticipated that over the years, the development of the Great Central Railway Museum would create direct and indirect employment, volunteering opportunities and increase visitors to the city and site. |
TRADE SEXUAL HEALTH Makinder Chahal, South Asian Support Worker will attend and give a presentation on Trade Sexual Health. Minutes: Makinder Chahal, South Asian Support Worker presented information regarding the organisation called ‘Trade’.
Attendees were informed of the following:
· Trade; provided free confidential advice, information and support to the South Asian lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGB&T) communities of Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.
· It was noted that specific support for South Asian LGB&T individuals was required due to some people being affected by cultural/ religious/ family/ community pressures.
· Attendees were informed that the organisation offered one to one or group support, counselling, advice and guidance. Support was also provided to parents and families of LGB&T individuals.
· In the future, Trade hoped to deliver campaigns to the wider community.
· For more information on the service, attendees were advised to contact: or call – 0116 254 1747. |
COMMUNITY MEETING BUDGET Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.
The following bids will be considered at the meeting:
Bid: 1157 Applicant: Church: Our Lady of Good Counsel Project Name: Children’s Christmas Party Amount Requested: £489.50
Joint Bid: 5054 Applicant: Rushey Mead Bhajan Sandhya Project Name: Rushey Mead Bhajan Sandhya Amount Requested: £591.00
Bid: 1222 Applicant: Rushey Mead Elderly Group Project Name: Yoga Recreation Group Amount Requested: £3,100.00 Minutes: The Chair provided an update on the Ward Community Budget.
Grants Fast Tracked since the last meeting:
1230: Rushey Talent Group Applicant: Vijya Chauhan Amount Requested: £472.36 Result: SUPPORTED IN FULL
Applications considered at the meeting:
1157: Children’s Christmas Party Applicant: Church – Our Lady of Good Counsel Amount Requested: £489.50 Result: SUPPORTED IN FULL This bid was supported on the conditions that a healthy meal is provided. The applicants confirmed this at the meeting.
5054: Rushey Mead Bhajan Sandhya Applicant: Rushey Mead Bhajan Sandhya Amount Requested: £591.00 Result: SUPPORTED IN FULL This application was supported with a grant on the basis that the applicants had reviewed their application and omitted the funding request for the religious aspect.
1222: Yoga Recreation Group Applicant: Rushey Mead Elderly Group Amount Requested: £3,100.00 Result: Grant of £1,337.08 was SUPPORTED This application was funded for costs towards lunches and centre hire.
It was requested that as a requirement for applicants to receive funding from the Community Budget, applicants would be requested to attend the Community Meeting or provide feedback.
It was reported that there would be no money in the Rushey Mead Ward Community Budget for the municipal year 2014/15, if all the budget applications received at this time, were agreed and supported. |
ANY OTHER BUSINESS Minutes: A resident reported that the footpath on Woodbridge Road was still closed following a fire at a nearby factory. A barrier, closing the footpath had been erected at the time and a request was made for this to be removed.
It was also reported that street lights; no. 31 on Melton Road and no.1&2 on Woodbridge Road were off. |
DATES OF FUTURE MEETING To note that the next Rushey Mead Community Meeting will be held on Tuesday 17 February 2015 at 6.30pm – St Theodore’s Church. Minutes: The future Rushey Mead Community Meeting will be held on Tuesday 17 February 2015 – 6.30pm at St Theodore’s Church. |
CLOSE OF MEETING Minutes: The meeting closed at 7.39pm. |