Venue: St Theodore's Church, Sandfield Close, Leicester LE4 7RE
Contact: Ayleena Thomas tel: 0116 454 6369 Email:
No. | Item |
INTRODUCTIONS & APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE The Chair will introduce those present and make any necessary announcements.
The Chair and any other Councillors who are present will make any declarations as required by the Councillors’ Code of Conduct. Minutes: Councillor Willmott, elected as Chair, welcomed everyone and led introductions.
Apologies were received from Councillor Bhatti. |
ACTION LOG OF THE LAST MEETING The Action Log from the previous Rushey Mead Community Meeting held on 18 November 2014 is attached at Appendix A for information and discussion. Members will be asked to confirm them as a correct record and any update on actions taken since the last meeting will be reported at the meeting. Minutes: An update was given regarding some of the Actions since the previous meeting:
· The School signs on Woodbridge Road at Mellor Primary School should be erected next week.
· The Chair reported that the street lights on Melton Road had now been fixed. A resident stated that street light 31 was still out of order.
· It was said that the barrier which closed the footpath on Woodbridge Road had not yet been moved. City Warden – Mohammed Patel informed the meeting that the footpath had been damaged and Highways had been contacted as the landowner’s insurance company needed to fix the footpath before it could be reopened. |
UPDATE ON PAVEMENT PARKING Rushey Mead Ward Councillors’ will give an update on Pavement Parking. Minutes: The Chair gave an update on Pavement Parking:
· Highways Officers and Councillors went to areas in the ward affected by Pavement Parking to see how the issue could be resolved.
· The Council had started a pilot scheme where markings would be placed on pavements for cars to be parked with two wheels on the pavement and two wheels off. This was currently at planning and consultation stage.
· A resident residing on Melton Road had been issued with a penalty notice for parking on the concrete verges directly outside his house garden. The resident who had stated the query gave his contact details for this to be followed up. |
CITY WARDEN SERVICE UPDATE The City Warden will provide an overview on environmental and enforcement activities in the Rushey Mead Ward. Minutes: Mohammed Patel, City Warden informed the meeting on issues and activities which the City Warden Service had been carrying out in the Rushey Mead ward:
· It was noted that City Wardens hoped to arrange patrols and continue to monitor the recycling banks of the Lockerbie shopping area. New gates would also be installed in this area near the library in hopes to stop fly tipping issues next to the bins.
· Due to supermarket trollies being found in the ward, Lidl and Sainsbury’s were contacted and would collect the trollies. Attendees were informed to contact City Wardens if more were found.
· Enquiries had been made to have gates installed as a result of rubbish and overgrowth on Archer Close and Longhurst Close private land sites.
· PCSO Sarah Sampson mentioned the CCTV system at the Lockerbie shops. The store which held the system had issues operating it fully and believed it to be Council owned. The City Warden would speak to the Housing team in regards to the CCTV system, it may also require updates.
· Residents were advised to call 101 and log incidents as some residents were concerned with drug taking and litter throwing in the ward.
· The PCSO also requested the City Warden to look into one of the Heath Road garages by the flats, as the door was said to be broken and people had been socialising and drug taking inside. If the lock was fixed the PCSO said this could help.
· It was noted that the drains on Sandringham Avenue had flooding issues. |
LOCAL POLICING UPDATE Officers from the Local Policing Unit will be at the meeting to provide an update on Police issues in the Rushey Mead Ward. Minutes: Sergeant Simon Walters gave an update of issues the Local Policing Team had been dealing with in the ward.
· The problem solving plan for Braemar Drive was said to have improved parking.
· Recent changes in the Leicestershire Police would result in increased neighbourhood officers and more local engagement.
· Residents stated that pavement parking on Clarke Street near Mellor Primary School was an issue. After some discussion, the Chair suggested to have a meeting with the Schools head teacher, Chair of Governors, Residents, Councillors and any other relevant Officers to discuss possible solutions. A resident also requested the same for Herrick School, due to similar parking issues.
· The Chair passed special thanks to the Local Policing Team for being in regular attendance at the Rushey Mead Community Meetings. |
COMMUNITY MEETING BUDGET/ EVALUATIONS Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.
An update will be given at the meeting on the Ward Community budget and applications received. Recipients of previously supported applications will have the opportunity to give a testimonial of achievement to the meeting. Minutes: Father Marsell gave feedback on the children’s Christmas party in December. Many children who attended the event were from low income families. The event was a success with lots of activities, entertainment and a gift for each child. |
ANY OTHER BUSINESS Minutes: · Residents queried Councillor Willmott’s deselection from the ward, as he was seen as a valuable Councillor who had knowledge of the area. It was stated that Councillor Bhatti announced his retirement, in this regard the Chair paid tribute and thanks to Councillor Bhatti.
· Samira Admani from Highfield Rangers welcomed members of the community to Highfield Rangers and also welcomed their views for events or activities which could take place at the centre. An invite was also given for a future Rushey Mead Community Meeting to be held there.
· Some residents stated that there had been issues with them not receiving the Leicester Link. It was said that the distribution was probably in progress, however, if not received residents were asked to inform Councillors.
· Attendees were informed about the Community Newsletter which explained how the Rushey Mead Community Ward Budget had been granted over the past four years.
· The meeting discussed new banners and possible generic signage which could be erected in the ward. Councillor Clair informed the meeting that new banner designs were being approved with Belgrave Business Association but were currently at the stage of consultation. A resident gave his details to be involved in this process.
· Attendees queried the plans and current stage for the Heritage Sculpture/ Landmark which would be erected near the junction of Melton Road/ Troon Way. Councillor Clair reported that the agreement with Sainsbury’s who would fund the project was still intact. An artist had been commissioned for the sculpture design and some work had been done. Further developments on the project were anticipated to go ahead in Spring/ Summer 2015. |