Venue: Highfield Rangers Sports Club, 443 Gleneagles Avenue, Leicester LE4 7YJ
Contact: Anita Clarke, Community Engagement Officer: 0116 2211458 Email: ( Anita James, Democratic Support Officer: 0116 4546358 Email: (
No. | Item |
INTRODUCTIONS Councillors will elect a Chair for the meeting.
The Chair will introduce those present and make any necessary announcements.
The Chair and any other Councillors who are present will make any declarations as required by the Councillors Code of Conduct. Minutes: Councillor Patel elected as Chair, welcomed everyone and led introductions.
There were no declarations of interest. |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: None received. |
ACTION LOG OF PREVIOUS MEETING The Action Log of the meeting held on 1st December 2015 is attached and Members will be asked to confirm it as an accurate record. Minutes: The action log of the meeting held on 1st December 2015 was agreed as a correct record.
Matters arising:
· 15.3.4 Pavement Parking on Clarke Street – this was reported to still be an issue. Action: CEO to liaise with Councillor Willmott to arrange a meeting with the school. · 15.7 Litter on Rushey Fields – the bins were not fixed in place and it was claimed they were being thrown back and littering continued to be an issue. City Warden agreed to feedback to the Park Wardens who were now responsible for issues on parks. · 15.10 YOG magazine – Copies had been received but only in Hindi language. Councillor Willmott agreed to feedback and request English copies be provided. |
COUNCILLOR FEEDBACK Minutes: The Chair informed that a petition for CCTV cameras to be installed in Rushey Mead had been presented and responded to by the council.
It was reported that Belgrave had more cameras in its ward because historically there had been Home Office funding for CCTV which Belgrave ward applied for and received.
Currently there were insufficient resources to support the installation of CCTV cameras in Rushey Mead. Residents were reminded that the more people reported crimes and incidents the better the evidence to support the case for cameras being installed.
Local councillors would be meeting with the City Mayor and officers from Highways to discuss issues and look at a programme of priorities to be addressed.
In relation to Rushey Fields Councillor Willmott suggested that Rushey Fields should be monitored during summer months to see how many people use the park. The Chair reminded residents that steps had been taken to improve Rushey Fields including additional lighting, removal of overgrown shrubbery and cutting back trees to make the area safer.
A resident raised the issue of car parking and mentioned concerns that despite it being reported 2 years ago it was still an issue. Councillor Clair advised that public consultation was ongoing, local residents had been asked for their views. Residents were encouraged to respond so that their replies could be taken into consideration. Councillor Willmott informed that the parking issue had to go through a process before any parking scheme could be implemented and this did take time.
Residents raised concerns about parking on grassed areas, in particular around Lockerbie Avenue resulting in damaged grass. Councillors agreed that the grass should be protected or replaced. Action: CEO to raise issue with relevant department to 1. Repair damaged grass areas, 2. Look at permanent solution such as low level fencing. |
UNIVERSAL CREDITS UPDATE There will be an update and information on the latest changes to Universal Credit and how it will impact on those affected.
Minutes: An officer was not available to present on this matter, however information on changes to Universal Credit was provided and circulated to those present.
LOCAL POLICING UPDATE A Police Officer will be at the meeting to provide an update on local policing issues in the Ward. Minutes: Sgt Rich Lane of Leicestershire Police gave an outline of current priorities which included: · Burglaries – a series of operations were ongoing to tackle this, · Taking vehicles without consent/Theft from vehicles – · Problem Solving Plans were being used to address issues over a short period of time, e.g. Rushey Fields where the number of recorded incidents was very low. · Parking issues would be targeted with a problem solving plan – this included notices being used which would look similar to fixed penalty notices. · Anti-social behaviour – recent issues by pupils after school were being addressed; teachers were viewing CCTV and identifying culprits.
Patrols would continue in the area and residents were encouraged to report any incidents so that the police could target the appropriate resources to tackle issues.
Residents were encouraged to visit the Leicestershire Police website at where crime statistics for the area could be found together with information on local surgery/beat dates. |
CITY WARDEN UPDATE The City Warden will give an update on issues in the Ward. Minutes: Mo Patel, City Warden for Rushey Mead ward provided an update which included the following points: · Flytipping and rubbish on private land – areas cleared included Meadow Way and the car park of Lockerbie Shops. · Dog fouling – The awareness event had been delayed and would hopefully be rearranged for late spring. It was noted there had been less reports of dog fouling. · Kincraig Garages – process had begun to identify owners and take steps to get rubbish removed. · Parking issues – now able to check if vehicles have tax/MOT and reporting to DVLA if not. DVLA have been quick to respond clamping and removing vehicles.
Residents reported a number of issues including: · Land near the school between Magnus Road and Harrison Road where flytipping continued. City Warden agreed to contact the school again and suggested fencing the area off if funding was available. · Woodridge Road being used to dump items – City Warden agreed to investigate.
Everyone was reminded to report incidents to the city warden service either by telephone or using the Love Leicester App. |
COMMUNITY MEETING BUDGET Councillors are reminded that under the Council’s Code of Conduct they should declare any interest they may have in budget applications.
An update will be given on the Ward Community Budget. A summary of grant applications submitted for consideration since the last meeting is attached.
Minutes: Councillors were reminded that under the Council’s code of conduct, they should declare any interest they may have in the budget applications.
Applications considered at the meeting: Mr Jansari outlined a bid for the installation of benches along Troon Way and Gleneagles Avenue. Application supported in principle. Action:- Community Engagement Officer to conduct a site visit.
Shri Guru Ravidas Temple (5155) sought funding from 3 wards to support a cultural event on 12 March 2016. Application supported in principle but deferred for further information.
One late bid was submitted at the meeting and the applicants were informed that it could not be considered at such a late stage.
Feedback from previous bids supported: Mr Sharma on behalf of Rushey Fields Residents Association thanked members for supporting their application to grow flowers/plants in the ward. Planting was due to start soon.
The Community Engagement Officer informed those present that from 1st April 2016 the system for funding would change and all applications must be made online, details available from the Community Services area of the councils website.
ANY OTHER BUSINESS Minutes: There being no other business the meeting closed at 7.40pm. |